Drunk Penn students reveal their late-night favorites at Allegro’s

Allegro’s sells 500 slices after 2am on weekends…

You’re wandering around on a Friday night before your late night starts, and everyone and their mothers are going to the one and only: Allegro’s.

If you’re lucky, Allegro’s is actually your late night, and you can skip the downtown for a more reasonable uptown—but equally sceney—location.

Inside it’s an eclectic scene: a weird mix of people that are too drunk or too sober, and everything in between. One thing is for certain: it’s a lively environment and with that medley of people something unusual is bound to happen.

Such are the things that Elias—the general manager of Allegro’s—has witnessed.  He’s got countless stories, like how girls used to steal dessert and go into the bathroom to eat it, only to come out with a face covered in frosting. As you can imagine, they have now hid the dessert display from these barbarians.

This hostile takeover does not compare to one story in particular: During Spring Fling, the lines for the bathroom were unruly, so Elias offered one girl to use the bathroom in the back. However, this girl took it upon herself to pee all over their office. There’s not enough Lysol in the world…

But not everyone is a savage: during these fateful days of 24 hour pizza, a football player was shoved by his not at all drunk friend and ended up smashing the entire window at 3am.

Elias said: “We couldn’t close the shop, so a couple of the guys stayed up all night playing poker and guarding the place until the window repair guy came around next morning. But the football player paid for it, he was a nice guy.”

When asked about the relationship between the co-workers in such a frenzied environment, Elias said: “We just laugh a lot at the kids and we hangout.”

One of the employees even got her job there while being one of those “kids.”  After the store had closed, she was banging on the window in hopes of them letting her in for a bite to eat.

They opened Allegro’s for her and led her into the kitchen, where she made her own sandwich. It was dubbed as “heavy on mayo,” but still good enough to land her a job.

With an astonishing five hundred slices sold between 2 to 3 AM on weekends, it’s understandable why Penn students love Allegro’s.

But we wanted their opinion on the matter so we went straight to the drunken—and thus reliable—source.


“I’ve been obsessed with this pizza since I went to a financial aid event so I was like why not Allegro’s?  But I would not come here sober.”

“I had a BBQ chicken pizza that was sooooooo goooood.  I lied, I kinda would sorta have that sober even if it is the weirdest thing I’d get.”


“This A lot better than it would be sober.  The girl called for a slice of plain, so I got her that, hopefully I get something later…”


“I would not have allegros when drunk but hey they got a bathroom.”


“I ate crust, it was gold.”


“I’d totally get a mushroom pizza, which I’d maybe get that sober. No wait, I’d get it plain. Nonononononono, I get a lot of junk food when I’m drunk that I wouldn’t sober. Don’t tell anyone I’m getting this. I would get a donut, which ain’t chill.”

“I’d even consider McDonald’s. I love the people, love the food, I’ve come here drunk before, there’s nice friendly people behind the counter..”

“I definitely eat a let more drunk than I do sober… That’s for sure.  I wish I had cash for a slice of mushroom pizza.”


“I like whatever is up there, anything fast, caprese, mushroom, anything that has stuff on it to make it worth my while I just want what’s available and cheap. Good greasy food and fast.”

“Fuck the police.  Food is better when drunk I think.”

UPenn: Penn