How to get abs by Halloween

Your bellydancer costume awaits

With Halloween less than a week away, it’s officially crunch time.

It’s too late to rely on Special K alone to get trim and sexy – now it’s time for you to break a sweat. Get out your workout clothes and put them to good use.

Consider this your free personal training session courtesy of The Tab.

Medicine ball planks

Planking sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Reach for the medicine ball to prove you’re no amateur– your abs will be crying for the whole 30-60 seconds.

 Alternating V crunches

Bicycle crunches are for the weak.

Replace them with alternating V crunches, touching your right hand to left toe and left hand to right toe. After 15-20 reps of these, you’ll know why.

Hand-to-feet ball passes

The medicine ball makes a comeback, this time with a more torturous exercise.

Repeat passing the ball from your hands to feet. This is like a normal V crunch, but much worse.

Oblique crunches

Obliques are often neglected, but we’re changing that.

Take a break from the back-work and lay on your side for this crunch variation.

Leg Raises

These can be done from a bar or ball-support apparatus if you’re too lazy.

Start with knee raises, then graduate to full leg extensions. Show off with cool variations like side twists and toe-to-bar touches.

Spider push-ups

Here’s a compound exercise to include some upper body gains.

When you go down into your push up, bring up your knee to touch your outer ear.

Bonus: Ab roller

Totally worth the Amazon order. Attempt to complete 5-10 ab rolls and you won’t be able to move for a week.


UPenn: Penn