Overheard at Oregon

All those ‘fly on the wall’ moments

There are many moments where you find yourself walking in on or overhearing a conversation that you clearly weren’t meant to hear. Sometimes those comments are much more funny to you anyway, mostly because they’re taken completely out of context.

Here are some of the comments that might catch your attention:

‘Okay, I hate our government. I’m moving to Europe’

Well I’m sure we’ve all heard some variation of this one by now.

‘Yes, put the one with the nuns on there!’

When you’ll post anything on Tinder for that extra swipe right.

‘Get in the strike box!’

Alternative fact: the strike zone is now known as the strike box. So feel free to shout that at the rest of the baseball/softball games you attend.

For the love of everything if you’re going to heckle, heckle correctly

‘You know my first midterm I was confident about and I told you I thought I got a 96%? Well I got a 98.3 before the curve. That’s awesome right?’

Heck yes it is! If only it was that easy for the rest of us crawling through midterms.

‘Chill. You don’t have to Venmo me, it’s coffee not a car.’

Is it even possible to venmo someone for a car?

‘I’m about to do something very techie’

If by techie, you mean hack my professor’s account to change my grade to an A, then by all means please proceed.

‘I didn’t read last night guys, so I hope one of you did’

Gotta love group work, right?

‘Are you cool if we stop by a dispensary on the way home?’

It’s going to be lit tonight.

‘How Mary Poppins is my bag?’

You’d be amazed how much a tiny backpack can hold. Try a jacket, two water bottles and ten small items from Hirons.

You have no idea how much you can fit in a small bag

‘I feel that I’ve hit some stage in life that I’m not entirely comfortable with’


‘Did you bring extra underwear in case you have an accident?’

Have to love parents who come prepared to a kid’s fun run.

‘Starbucks isn’t open. Why? Because no one’s up at this ungodly hour’

Said someone who’s clearly not a morning person while working on an assignment at 6 a.m.

No coffee, no workie

‘My brain isn’t working today’

The week six feels have finally set in. But really, who would be able to think after pulling two consecutive all-nighters?

‘Lots of things are happening’

Just one of the contributions as to why our brains aren’t working.

‘It’s gif, not ‘j-i-f’. Why? Because it’s not peanut butter’

When will this debate end?

‘Of all the things in the universe, just don’t choke on a doughnut’

Slow down there buddy, there’s nothing more traumatic than having a pile of sprinkles go down the wrong pipe. We have plenty of other problems, please don’t let your breakfast be one of them.

Pace yourself man

‘We’re surviving, not thriving’

Current status: just trying to keep my grades alive from under a pile of textbooks.

‘I’m completely dehydrated it’s like I ran a marathon’

A common running reference used in a running town.

‘Everyone likes to be observed. Or almost everyone’

Let’s be real, you never truly know how they feel about it until they give you the awkward stare.

‘I didn’t bring a condom!’

Good luck, that’s all.

University of Oregon