The fluffy therapy dogs on campus melted everybody’s hearts

Why is this salvation not every day?

Midterms are upon us, and students have been stressed out the last few weeks trying to keep up with the demands of the quarter system.

To help ease some of the stress, UO has teamed up with animal shelters such as the Greenhill Humane Society to bring therapy dogs on campus during midterms and finals weeks at an event called Ducks Love Dogs.

The event is put on by Oregon’s PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America), who partnered with the local Greenhill Humane Society, a no-kill shelter located in Eugene.

“We do Ducks Love Dogs twice a year and it’s a great way to get students involved in a fundraising opportunity for a great local organization”, said UO PRSSA president Sophie Eye.

The dogs are best known for bringing much needed relaxation, and students love to take study breaks to go and pay a visit to the lovable creatures.

Andrew Taylor, a staff member at Greenhill told The Tab: “We come around midterm time and bring out dogs for a minutes so people can get some stress relief”

“It gives people a little break from the studying and stress of midterms.”

The dogs come every year for two days in the fall and two days in the spring, and are a big hit among students, especially freshmen.

“Students love the dogs, especially freshmen because they miss their dogs from home so it’s a great way for them to give back to a local shelter and also get to play with dogs because they miss their pets back home,” the PRSSA president added.

All in all, it’s a win-win for the students and the shelter, as most of the proceeds go to Greenhill.

No need to stress, students your furry friends are here to save the day.

All Photo credits: Emily Hunsinger

University of Oregon