There’s nothing better than the Oregon Spring Street Faire

It’s unique, and it’s fantastic

It is Spring Quarter at the University of Oregon, meaning students are enjoying the sunshine, and gearing up for summer. Spring term is also known for a variety events on campus, one of which is the annual Spring Street Faire.

Why do the students love it so much?

Similar to the Market in Eugene, the campus event is like the weekly downtown affair in many respects with to the food and craft vendors, but instead of one day, it is a week! Large white-roofed tent structures house the food and craft vendors that run through the heart of campus at the University of Oregon. The Street Faire is a time for students to relax from the stress of spring quarter academics and extracurricular activities. Also, much of the Eugene community attends the street faire attends to check out the food and craft vendors.

For starters, students who live off campus do not have to make lunch or dinner for a week since they can go to the street faire to buy  delicious food from vendors such as Hawaiian style Everyday Kind Grindz.

Everyday Kine Griz is a Hawaiian favorite in Eugene.

Different students attend for different reasons; it is a time for students to get outside and walk around or enjoy a bite to eat.

“I think it’s so unique because the street faire transforms a street we all use every day as a place for fun and entertainment. It’s as if 13th put on a costume and disguised itself from the normal busyness of the school year,” said senior Anton Cardenas.

Another part about the street faire that is unique is that it is in the heart of campus stretching from the EMU amphitheater to Kincaid Street on 13th Avenue.

In addition to the fabulous food and special trinket spots, Oregon has one of the few faires across the country. There is a street faire in Seattle on Unversity District on May 21-22.

Ours is obviously better though – for one, Eugene’s is on the campus, rather than off campus.

The street fair is something Oregon students look forward to each spring

The street faire brings the community of Eugene together for a week of delicious food and art and craft non-profit vendors on the campus of the University of Oregon. It combines all the elements of spring quarter together.

Perhaps one of the most treasured parts of this annual event is that it brings out the uniqueness of Oregon. There’s arts and crafts, a variety of ethnic food and there’s a real awareness of representing the various cultures in Oregon.

That said, it’s not always budget friendly.  Junior Amanda Joo put it perfectly:

“I’m a broke college kid and the temptation is too real.”



University of Oregon