Oregon still believes in Bernie

We saw Sanders speak at his rally in Springfield

Bernie Sanders has continued to be a media sensation. From trending topics such as #BirdieSanders to the general “feel the Bern” slogan, Sanders has continued to attract voters by his progressive political views. At his most recent “A Future to Believe in” rally at Island Park in Springfield, Oregon, hundreds of students, parents, children, and members of the Oregon community came to support his political message and hopes for the United States.

Rally attendees began lining up from as early as 7am to ensure they had good spots for the speech. As 70s classics bumped from the PA and supporters talked excitedly about how much they were “feeling the Bern,” one couldn’t help but notice the community’s ability to come together for a common cause, belief, and passion for the politics of Bernie Sanders.

The energy of the park was almost concert-like as people dressed in official (or DIY) Bernie Sanders merchandise walked about. As security began letting people in, Bernie supporters were met by an enthusiastic group of volunteers who greeted them with high-fives and cheers. The energy and excitement of the crowd began to increase as more people arrived, all with the hopes of seeing Bernie Sanders. However, despite all his positivity and charisma, the question still remained: Can Bernie still do this? Can he pull through and win the presidency as well as put his policy into law?

In large part, it was clear from the energy at the rally that people in Oregon still think he’s capable of pulling it off.

Many, like Samantha Cross, an Undeclared freshman at the University of Oregon are pro-Bernie because of his many progressive policies.

“I’m just excited for [Bernie’s] education policies, they are really applicable right now. I think that he will work really hard to achieve what he wants,” she said.

Cross (left) giving a big thumbs up to Bernie

Margaret Butler, a junior Political Science major at UO, agreed, but said her passion lies in Bernie’s stance on the environment.

“I definitely think that Bernie Sanders’ ideas for the environment are really important and really effective. As a proud Oregonian, I love seeing this beautiful green state, and I don’t want it to become gross and yucky over the next few hundred years,” she said.

Aside from his policies, it’s clear that there’s one huge thing drawing young people to Bernie: the sense of community.

“[Sanders] really attracts compassionate people,” said Xander Berenstein, a senior Math and Biology double major at UO.

“When you have a Bernie rally, when you have thousands of compassionate people come together, it’s a sense of community unlike anything you’ve seen. It’s really incredible.”

Butler (middle) and Berenstein (right) with a fellow Bernie supporter

The people who came to support Bernie Sanders at his rally in Eugene certainly made it clear Oregon is for Bernie, as well as the ideas on American political issues. The takeaway from the whole rally experience was that people still have faith in Bernie Sanders and they still believe, that with enough people voting, he can win the Democratic nomination.

University of Oregon