Anyone who’s taken a basic education course knows Betsy DeVos is going to screw us all

Shit anyone who’s taken an education class would do a better job than her

As of yesterday, Besty DeVos’ nomination for Education Secretary has cleared the committee and is awaiting confirmation from the Senate floor. Anyone who has taken an education class in their life or has the slightest clue of how screwed up the education system already is probably knows more about everything she’s about to be responsible for.

DeVos has never had any type of experience in the public school system. She’s never worked in the school system or even sent her own children to public schools. But for some reason, she’s one step closer to becoming the Education Secretary of our country. Next to that, she also has no experience running anything, let alone being the head of an entire system that is so crucial for the children of America. Our future president is somewhere out there, probably in the public school system that is now in grave danger.

Policies like IDEA, her lack of an explanation as to whether test scores should be used to measure proficiency or growth in students, how sexual assault is handled on college campuses, on top of her never working in a school goes to show that a college student could do a better job than DeVos.

Let’s not forget just how unprepared she was at her own confirmation hearing. The questions they asked her were easy and unrelated to anything she would be doing as the Education Secretary. Questions like “Do you support public education?” when she clearly does not. Take a look at the Michigan charter schools and how Detroit, after DeVos’ 20 years of influence, is one of the worst performing schools in any U.S. major city.

In addition, when asked about IDEA — the policy that grants services to students who require special education services — she failed to answer adequately. And that’s just one of the many policies DeVos is seemingly clueless about.

In her hearing, DeVos did not even give us her opinion on Title I — the vitally important mechanism in education where the federal government is able to provide financial support to students who do not have the means to afford public schooling. The list of things she knows nothing about goes on and on.

Any basic education course outlines policies like the ones mentioned above, although in a very basic format. Anyone who has taken an education class knows more about IDEA and Title I than our potential Education Secretary and could therefor probably do a better job than her.

Without having any type of background in schools and her blatant support for charter schools over public schools, we should be extremely worried about the future of public education.

As for student loans, she has no place in even trying to form an opinion about how it should work as neither she nor her children used student loans to get through college. When asked about it, she rattled off incorrect statistics about the rise of student debt in the last eight years — and thought she was completely right when stating false facts.

Most people are in college because of student loans. If our Education Secretary has no experience with this, how can she be trusted to make executive decisions regarding how it will change in the future?

We know more about student loans and the way the public school system works than she does, and yet she’s about to ruin it all with her lack of basic public education knowledge. We know what it’s like taking out those student loans and that we will probably be paying them back into our 40s.

Betsy DeVos has absolutely no idea.

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