The Wex is the best

What your student life needs is contemporary art

College is chalk-full of stress. I probably don’t need to state the obvious, but we take very few tests so each one has monumental implications. We are trying to choose a major that will help us get a job so we won’t end up living in our parents’ basement. Even worse, we are surrounded by people just like us who are equally as stressed as we are. College campuses are beautiful places to visit, but don’t get too close to the students — the fatigued, worried looks in their eyes will ruin the view.

So, how can we as college students stay sane? What you need is an outlet – a creative outlet.

On the east side of campus along the edge of The Oval, you shall find the best place in the world: The Wex. The Wexner Center for the Arts, to be exact. The Ohio State University is so fortunate to have this gem of an institution right on campus. The Wex is the home of contemporary art installations, performing arts spaces, an insanely good cafe, and a bookstore full of wonderful things. It opened in 1989 and is named after Harry L. Wexner, the father of Leslie H. Wexner, a major donor to the center. 


The Art Gallery

It’s 2:00pm. You just got out of your hour and a half Econ lecture. You have Calc in an hour. Your brain is fried like the bacon and egg sandwich you can’t stop thinking about. What do you do?

Walk around an art gallery, of course.

The Wex’s contemporary art exhibitions are fantastic. The Center’s exhibits are always changing, and the majority of the featured works are made by living artists.  If you want to see Monet, you’ll have to go downtown. The gallery is small, so it’s super easy to take a lap around within your hour break (or however long you want to linger). Let your mind de-stress as you allow its creative arteries to start pumping. The art gallery is free for OSU students with your BuckID ($8 general public and $6 senior citizens and OSU faculty).


Mershon Auditorium

Everyone needs more performing arts in their lives. With several theater spaces, including Mershon Auditorium and the Film/Video Theatre, the Wex constantly features dancers, choreographers, composers, musicians, filmmakers, and lecturers/educators, ranging from the well known to the up and coming. Go to the Wex and enjoy some real contemporary culture. You get a discount on the performing arts tickets with your BuckID, so that’s a bonus.

Heirloom Café

Are you sick of campus food? Good, because the Wex has got you covered.

Walk in through the main entrance, go downstairs, and there you will find Heirloom Café. It’s small and busy but ideal for coffee and homework. Not only is the coffee on point all the time but so is their food. Heirloom features seasonal, healthy, and local foods that range from breakfast stir fry to salads to au vin with tofu. Although it is a little pricey, they accept BuckID (blessed).

Trust me, anything is better than KComm tater tots. Eat at Heirloom. Plus you get to experience the artsy vibes as you sit and enjoy your meal in the café.

(Hours: Monday-Wednesday 8am-4pm, Thursday-Friday 8am-8pm)

The bookstore

I am in love with bookstores, especially the one in the Wex. I might be biased because I am majoring in French and English, so my life basically consists of reading. However, I’m convinced you will love this bookstore too. Its texts are across the board from up and coming artists to contemporary novels to cookbooks. They also sell irresistible artsy mugs and everything else that makes me smile.

Even if you don’t buy anything, it is still a lovely place for a stroll before that Calc class. Plus, it’s a nice change of scenery from the daunting Thompson Library, which can be littered with students either sleeping on the couch in the corner or eating their chicken wraps as they take up an entire table.

If you feel like your life is missing something, you most likely are missing a dose of contemporary art. Go to the Wex, and you will have #noregrets.


Ohio State