A new duck appeared at Mirror Lake and it is the exact opposite of Afroduck

Students are calling it the “Murderbird”

A new duck appeared at Mirror Lake earlier today and he has already taken social media by storm.

Students have been commenting on the duck’sĀ unappealing appearance and have already named it “Murderbird”

The new duck has spent the majority of its time on the outside of Mirror Lake, and it is yet to be determined if it has actually entered the lake at all.

The “Murderbird” is believed to be Muscovy duck, a species native to Mexico, Central, and South America. It is still a mystery how this bird made it to Mirror Lake.

Hopefully Afroduck and the Murderbird can coexist peacefully, or else this campus may see the most distressed duck since Ohio State played Oregon in the College Football Playoff National Championship.

Ohio State