The best relationship advice from OSU students

‘Just don’t be a fuckboy’

College is often noted at the best years of your life, however, this experience can greatly vary depending on your relationship status and how you choose to feel about it. There are obvious pros and cons to experiencing college with a significant other by your side versus being single.

Since college is a time of self-growth, maturing and having a great time, I’m interested in what others have to say about dating while going through these experiences. So, here’s what OSU students had to say about their relationship status:

Nadisha, Sophomore, Psychology 

What is your current relationship status?


What do you like/dislike about your status?

I like the freedom and independence you have to do whatever you want. I dislike not having a significant other to share memories or something as simple as your day.

What advice would you give to other college students regarding relationships, or lack thereof, in college?

Either relationships can hold a person back, or your significant other can push you to become a better person. Depends on how you look at it.

Julia, Sophomore, Psychology 

Julia and her boyfriend Logan met at Ohio State and began dating about a year and a half ago

What is your current relationship status?

In a relationship.

What do you like/dislike about your status?

I have someone who always makes me laugh and is there for me when times are tough.

What advice would you give to other college students regarding relationships, or lack thereof, in college?

Do whatever makes you happy. There’s nothing wrong with being single during college or dating someone in college. If you find a significant other, awesome! If you don’t, you still have plenty of life ahead of you.

Andrew, Sophomore, Finance 


Andrew and his girlfriend Sarah met at Ohio State and began dating about one year ago

What is your current relationship status?

In a relationship.

What do you like/dislike about your status?

I like that I can say that I am dating my best friend; it’s nice to have another person to share so many experiences with on a more personal level.

What advice would you give to other college students regarding relationships, or lack thereof, in college?

Luckily at such a large university like Ohio State, the experience is whatever you make of it. There’s always going to be people that share the same values and want a similar college experience so whether that’s in a relationship or not it is completely up to you.

Noelle, Sophomore, Arts Management 

What is your current relationship status?


What do you like/dislike about your status?

As a college student with a chaotic life, I like not having to worry about much beyond school, friends, family, and work. I have nothing to dislike right now.

What advice would you give to other college students regarding relationships, or lack thereof, in college?

Don’t stress about it either way. If something happens, great. If not, now’s the time in your life when you’re allowed to be pretty selfish, so just embrace it while you can.

Lauren, Sophomore, Social Work

Lauren and her boyfriend Evan began dating about a year and a half ago

What is your current relationship status?

Long-distance relationship.

What do you like/dislike about your status?

For me, the best part of being in a relationship is knowing that I have someone else that truly cares about me and will have my back no matter what. I believe my life is better since I get to share it with another person.

What advice would you give to other college students regarding relationships, or lack thereof, in college?

Don’t waste your time with someone who doesn’t make you happy or stresses you out. Relationships should be fun and relatively easy. At the end of the day do what is best for you.

Nathan, Sophomore, City and Regional Planning

Nathan and his girlfriend Alaina met at Ohio State and began dating about a month ago

What is your current relationship status?

In a relationship.

What do you like/dislike about your status?

I like being in a relationship because it makes me feel wanted. I already had time to enjoy the single college life but now that I’m in a relationship I’m very happy.

What advice would you give to other college students regarding relationships, or lack thereof, in college?

It’s ok to do whatever you want to do, be in a relationship or be single. Just don’t be a f*ck boi.

Jonathan, Junior, Public Health 

What is your current relationship status?

Single and ready to mingle.

What do you like/dislike about your status? 

Although being single allows me the time to focus on myself and go out and have fun with my friends on the weekends, I’m not at all opposed to the idea of a relationship. I’ve spent time being single and being in a relationship, both have their obvious pros and cons.

What advice would you give to other college students regarding relationships, or lack thereof, in college? 

Everyone should definitely experience the single life in college, just don’t be afraid to settle down either. Spend time with whoever makes you happy, whether it’s yourself, your friends, or boyfriend/girlfriend.

Some people begin college dating their high school sweetheart, whether together or long-distance, and some people meet their significant other in college. For those who are single, some remain single and aren’t actively seeking a relationship, while others are dating around. Sometimes people thrive in the company of others, while other people mature independently and need time in college to ‘find their self’ before settling down with anyone else.

Relationships can offer you the experience of sharing memories with someone you care about, or maybe someone who even brings out the best in you.

On the other hand, being single can allow you to meet more people and discover the type of person you want to be with in the future, grow closer with your friends, and lessen any time you have to spend emotionally involved in someone else’s life – because let’s be honest, sometimes handling our own emotions in college can be too much (cue the hourly mental breakdown). Either way, there is an abundance of opportunities in college to meet new people from different backgrounds of life, whether they become friends or anything more.

There is no right or wrong way to do this whole college thing, but as long as you focus on your education, having the greatest college experience possible and doing what is best for your own happiness, nothing else matters.

Ohio State