The votes are in: Gerard Basalla is our new USG President

Him and Danielle Di Scala managed to claim 68.1 percent of the votes

Much like the U.S. Presidential race, this year’s USG election has received far more attention than years past.

After an all-out social media blitz and countless hours campaigning across campus, Gerard Basalla and Danielle Di Scala have claimed the coveted role of USG President and Vice President. While they technically ran unopposed, Cin’Quan Haney and Curtis Henry gave them a run for their money with a highly publicized write-in campaign focusing on diversity, off-campus safety, and mental health initiatives.

All in all, they managed to claim 68.1 percent of the votes, receiving a total of 4827.

Cin’quan and Curtis claimed 25.1 percent of the votes, receiving a total of 1830.

The high profile election has shed light on issues that have gone largely unaddressed in previous years –  namely diversity and inclusion in our undergraduate leadership. White, Greek-affiliated students in particular make up a statistically significant portion of USG, making it more important than ever to focus on the needs of our student body as a whole.

Data uncovered in USG’s 2015-2016 Demographics Report

Gerard and Danielle have announced plans focusing on bias training, diversity recruitment, gender-inclusive housing, and faith-friendly dining options. Affordability, health & safety, and sustainability are also areas of focus for them in the upcoming year.

As a graduating senior, I’m very happy to see so much care go into the future of my beloved university. If you’re reading this Gerard, a Wi-Fi hotspot on the oval would be nice, but it looks like you guys have some great things in store for our student body.

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