The definitive types of college spring breaks

Are you going on a SB2k16 or a detox?

Feeling the mid-semester slump? Have no fear, for spring break is almost here.

With this week away from classes right around the corner, many college students already have their plans, or lack thereof, set. There is a multitude of things that one can do over this week long vacation, or staycation, from classes and I’m here to break it all down for you.

The typical SB2k16 trip

There will always be your typical spring breakers who go all out planning what will be one of the wildest weeks of their lives. Popular destinations include Panama City Beach, Myrtle Beach, or if you’re really going all out – Cancun. These trips are often week long ragers on crowded beaches with fellow drunken spring breakers, ridiculously loud music, and an abundance of alcohol – most likely something on the cheaper side, like Natty light, considering how pricey these trips can be. With the stress of college, it’s no surprise that so many college students want to get away somewhere warmer and party all day long with their college friends. If it’s financially feasible, everyone should experience a spring break trip at least one during their college career.

The detox

Perhaps the complete opposite of your typical idea of a “college spring break” is the one for those who choose to do what I like to call a college detox. This includes a week away from alcohol (you’ll thank your liver later) and picking up extra hours at your job to replenish your shriveling bank account. If you’re rocking the poor-college-student lifestyle, I recommend you take advantage of spring break to get your liver and bank account back in check. That way, as soon as classes start up again, you can go back to ballin’ on a budget.

168 hours of nothing

The best advice I have ever received goes a little something like this: “when in doubt, nap it out.” If your semester has been jam packed when endless amounts of homework, exam studying, extracurriculars, sports, etc., I strongly advise you take this particular spring break route. You’ll have 168 hours to do absolutely nothing, and by nothing I mean laying in bed napping and binge watching Netflix and only getting up to get food or use the bathroom. We all deserve a mental health day, or week, so if you’re in need of this stay-cation, by all means take it.

The catch-up

For those of you who decided not to play school this first half of the semester, maybe it’s time you start. Yes, spring break is a week away from classes, but we can all think of a time we went out on a Toos-day or thirsty Thursday instead of doing our school work.  Also, there’s a good chance that we all have that one professor that will give us an assignment to do or schedule an exam for the coming days after break. Whether you stay around campus or go home, you can catch up on any and all school work in order to make your legendary come back for the second half of the semester. Remember, if Britney Spears can make it through 2007, you can make it through this semester.

The lovely Thompson library; so if you plan on staying around campus, this is your place to catch up on any assignments

Home sweet home

Haven’t been home all semester? Miss your parents, friends, or family pet? Spring break is the perfect time to go home and spend quality time with those we don’t get to see on a regular basis. Nothing beats being home in your own bed, using your own shower, and eating your mom or dads home cooked meals – or maybe if you’re lucky they’ll take you out on their dime. Additionally, if you have friends at other universities that aren’t on break the same week, this is the perfect time to go and visit them. University of Dayton for St. Patty’s Day anyone, Ohio University’s insert-a-name-here fest, or Kent State’s “St. Fratty’s Day”, anyone?

Spring break 2015 visiting friends at Kent State University on St. Patrick’s Day

The combination experience

Personally, I enjoy doing anything where I get the chance to experience the best of both worlds. These include, but are not limited to: less expensive road trips with friends, vacationing with your family (hopefully on your parents budget), study abroad, or service trips such as Buck-i-Serv. With these experiences, you are able to travel on a college student friendly budget. Whether you’re studying and traveling, serving others and traveling, or spending quality time with close friends or family while traveling, these alternative options are great ideas for anyone who wants to make the most out of their spring break.

We all deserve a break away from the stress of homework, exams, extracurriculars, worrying about our future, etc. Take advantage of this week and do whatever best suits your current situation, whether that’s making hella cash, raging on a beach and half drinking yourself into a coma, spending time with friends and family, catching up any assignments or sleep, etc. Your spring break experience is whatever you make of it and your options are nearly unlimited. Happy spring break-ing!

Ohio State