The essential Oscars drinking game

Finish your drink if Leo doesn’t win…again

“They’re films, not movies”

If you’ve ever uttered those four words, there’s a good chance the upcoming Oscars are Christmas, The Super Bowl, and your birthday all wrapped up into one.

For everyone else, the 88th Academy Awards are a great chance to have a field day on social media, update your movie watch list, and drink on a Sunday night without feeling like an alcoholic.

Welcome to The Official Academy Awards drinking game. We’ll be giving you the rundown on how to ensure this night of dazzling celebrities will be one you won’t forget… or perhaps just the opposite.

Here are the rules

Finish your drink if any of the following happens

  1. Leo doesn’t win the Best Actor Oscar – so he doesn’t have to drown his sorrows alone.
  2. John Travolta is somehow allowed on stage for another year of public embarrassment.
  3. One of the award presenters pulls a “Steve Harvey” and announces the wrong winner (If Leo is incorrectly announced finish every drop of alcohol in the house).
  4. Jennifer Lawrence does something adorable/hilarious/courageous to make us all love her even more.
  5. Sylvester Stallone wins Best Supporting Actor. The guy who grunted his way through almost every movie after Rambo: First Blood gave his peak performance at age 69. Respect.
  6. And finally… finish your drink when they announce Best Picture if you’ve never seen it. This especially applies to anyone who spent their money on Paul Blart Mall Cop 2, Pixels, or 50 Shades of Grey instead. HAVE SOME CLASS PEOPLE!!

Take a sip anytime one of the following happens

  1. The Revenant wins an award – additionally feel free to make bets with your friends on how many golden statues it claims of its 12 nominations.
  2. We see a shot of a celebrity crying during an emotional moment.
  3. Brad and Angelina are shown doing some cute couple shit. Editor’s Note: “Couple Shit” is a broad qualifier, you’re on the honor system with this one.
  4. An Oscar recipient gets played off before their speech is done.
  5. A joke is made regarding the Presidential Election.
  6. Jared Leto mentions his mom for sympathy points.
  7. Star Wars is mentioned.
  8. Finally, make sure to take a drink when Best Adapted and Original Screenplay are announced. The Screenwriters are the true heroes.

Drink up.

Ohio State