Being a Christian is not what you think

No I don’t smoke, drink or engage in sexual activities, but that doesn’t mean that I do not enjoy my life

Stereotypes: nobody likes them, yet everyone is influenced by them. Our generation is working hard to break stereotypes that bring racism and hate speech towards both minorities and majorities. We are not okay with the false generalizations coming against us.

Yet, even so I am guilty of stereotyping others, and most likely so are you. It is in our nature as imperfect humans to see other humans and make pre-determined judgments of them. So, as our culture is attempting to broaden its perspective about people, why not disprove some of the stereotypes of Christians.

Give me five points to change your perspective.

Christians don’t like to have fun

On the contrary we have fun all the time. Our definition of fun might look different than yours, but that does not mean that we do not do stuff like laugh so hard to the point that we are on the ground, or drive in the middle of the night and do spontaneous and goofy things with our friends.

Christians follow the Bible and its principles, which do not support things like partying and all of the things that are included in that. No I don’t smoke, drink or engage in sexual activities, but that doesn’t mean that I do not enjoy my life. We get our joy and contentment from God, so we do not have to search the party scene or anywhere else to try to find it.

So next time the words “Christians don’t have fun” come out of your mouth, just remember that your definition of fun is just very different than ours.

Christians are rudely narrow-minded

Christians are often called narrow-minded (not willing to listen to or tolerate other people’s views).

When we truly believe something, our hearts cannot be changed. No matter how much opposition is against our belief, our faith remains the same. For example, if you believe that the sky is blue, no evidence coming against that claim will change your mind because you know that the sky is blue. You know it to be true by personal experience, therefore you believe it.

Christians, by definition, are followers of Christ. To follow Christ means to follow the Bible. As Christians we believe that the Bible was written by God (2 Timothy 3:16) and that every word of God is true (Proverbs 30:5). Therefore when God says in the Bible that there is no other truth than the Bible (Revelation 22:18-19, Proverbs 30:6, Deuteronomy 4:2) then how can we accept any belief that goes against or is outside of what the Bible says?

In the Bible it says Christians walk on a narrow road in life (Matthew 7:14), meaning that we follow a belief system that is narrow and will not tolerate anything other than it. We cannot follow the Bible if we tolerate anything that is against it. To tolerate anything else would mean stepping off the narrow road.

Christians are not narrow in belief out of hate or desire to be rude to others, but rather because we care more about pleasing God than about pleasing man.

Christians are hateful and judgmental

When a Christian is being confronted about judging others, the verse Matthew 7:1-5 is often thrown around. It says, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”  Yes this is true, but what is the context of this judging?

To call people out on what they have done wrong against God, is what we are supposed to do as Christians (Ephesians 5:11, Matthew 18:15). But the key is that we must judge fairly and righteously (Deuteronomy 16:18-20, Leviticus 19:15, John 7:24). What the Matthew 7 is really warning us about is when we judge others while we still have un-forgiveness and bitterness in our hearts, or are judging others for a sin that we are also doing. In that case the judgement is not righteous.

So, yes, a Christian may tell you that what you are doing is not good, but that is not because they hate you. God wants all people to follow his commands, so that we can live this life on earth to his definition of the fullest (Deuteronomy 28). We do not judge to make ourselves feel better, or out of closed mindedness, but rather out of love, compassion and a desire to see others walk in the fullness of God. Judgement is an act of love when it follows Biblical principals.

I personally apologize to you if you feel that you have been judged unfairly by a Christian. It is not God’s heart that you be shamed or hated. When a Christian has the true heart of Christ, they are exposing what is different from God’s word in your life, so that you have the opportunity to follow what is said in His word, which is the Bible.

Keep in mind, God is the one and only judge of where you spend eternity (Psalm 82:1, Psalm 50:6, Psalm 75:7, John 3:16).

Christians are hypocrites

If you are, or are related to, or are friends with, or just simply know a Christian, you will probably agree with me when I say that Christians do not always practice what they preach. We say we believe one thing and then we do another, which can be very confusing if we have a set view of what a Christian is like.

News flash – Christians are not perfect. Yes, just like everyone else we will slip up and probably do something that is against what we say is right to do. “Hypocrite” is the wrong word to use for the missteps that Christians often make, as it insinuates that the Christian is intentionally trying to go against what they say they believe. Rather, let’s use the word imperfect.

The only perfect human, without any sin, that ever was is Jesus (2 Corinthians 5: 21, 1 John 3:5). So, we worship a perfect savior, but Christianity is not synonymous with perfection.

If a Christian is preaching something and intentionally going out and doing the exact opposite of what they said, then they are being hypocritical, but this is not true for the majority of Christians. Christians are not actively trying to be hypocrites, but rather have shortcomings. Forgive Christians in your life when you believe that they have been hypocritical, for I am sure that they did not mean to be.

Christians are ignorant and unintelligent

Many people think that in order to believe what is stated in the Bible, one must completely ignore science and all other conventional wisdom. Therefore, a person must be ignorant and unintelligent if they are a Christian.

On the contrary, many many Christians all over the world are not only extremely intelligent but are also leaders in many fields such as education, science, medicine and history. Take Charles H. Townes for example. Townes studied at Furman University in Greenville, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Languages. He graduated as summa cum laude in 1935, at the age of 19. On top of that he went to Duke for his Masters of Arts Degree in Physics. He then went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964 for “for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle.” His list of impressive accomplishments pretty much doesn’t end.

Townes was also a Christian. How can such an educated and accomplished man, still believe in the claims of the Bible? Because he sees a fuller picture. With a broader perspective Townes said,”I look at science and religion as quite parallel, much more similar than most people think and that in the long run, they must converge.” He said that, “scientists, especially physicists, recognize that this is a very special world. Things have to be almost exactly as they are in order for us to exist” and that “It’s a fantastically specialized universe, but how in the world did it happen?” In an interview covered by the UC Berkeley news, he said: “As science encounters mysteries, it is starting to recognize its limitations and become somewhat more open.”

Therefore, Christians see the evidence provided to us through our educations and through science,  yet are open to the mystery of it all and find God to be that missing gap in the data. Faith in God does not correlate with ignorance or a low IQ.

Although a Christian might be different and think differently than you, it does not mean that they are right or wrong in their actions and thoughts. Just as nonbelievers desire respect for their beliefs, Christians desire respect as well.

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