What do OSU students have to say about the elections?

Is everyone Feeling the Bern?

The 2016 presidential candidates are buckling down to gain the support of voters to win their party’s nomination. These candidates are trying to gain the support of not only older individuals, but college students across the nation.

So what issues do buckeyes care about most?  Is everyone “Feeling the Bern”?  Who do Ohio State’s students feel will be the two candidates everyone will be voting for this November?

What Political Issues are Buckeye’s Concerned About?

Currently, Trump leads the polls for the Republican Party. He brings out the frustrations that some Americans feel about the current state of our nation. Trump and his followers are angry about America’s illegal immigration problems and the threat of ISIS. However, Trump is not the only person taking advantage of people’s frustrations with America’s flaws.

Bernie Sanders is addressing big money’s influence in politics and the increasing gap between the rich and poor. He wishes for a progressive agenda that will create health care for all and even free tuition. So what do Ohio State students feel are the biggest issues our nation faces today?

Nick, Natural Resource Management Major

“Our economy is by far the biggest concern our country faces today. I feel like a lot of these politicians are getting caught up with the social justice warriors and are ignoring the fact that our current national debt is nearing $19 trillion. Don’t get me wrong, social liberties are important, but by no means are they the biggest concern our nation faces today.”

“John Kasich has been fiscally responsible while in office and that is exactly what we need in a president.  He is also a lot more socially moderate in comparison to the other republicans currently running.”

Quinn, a Computer Science and Engineering Major


“Politicians act like children who cannot agree on anything. They refuse to compromise and will do just about anything to prove a point. It has gotten out of hand.”

Who is Popular at Ohio State?

So which candidate would be the best choice for president of the United States? Do Ohio State students “feel the Bern” or do they have a bias for Ohio’s own governor, John Kasich?  After asking a few people, it became clear that Ohio State students do have some bias for their own governor, and not as many Ohio State students are “feeling the Bern” as one would think.  The people who chose Kasich used his experience as Ohio’s governor as a good representation for how he would behave in the White House.


Some students feel that Bernie is exactly what our country needs. He is concerned about the younger generation.  After all, today’s college students are going to be the ones who run this country in the future.  Students feel that government corruption created by big money and Wall Street are reasons for concern and Bernie understands this and is making a stand.

“College students are leaving college now with more debt than ever before. These debts can sometimes surpass a quarter million dollars, more than some people spend on homes. This is a concern that I do not see a lot of politicians bringing attention to. They seem to ignore the younger generation.  Bernie shows a concern about the huge debt the younger generation is in.  He genuinely cares about the people.” said Amber, a history major.

Almost every person that was interviewed felt that Trump should not be president and the fact that he is currently the Republican front runner is a scary reality. He has made derogative comments about Muslims and Mexican Immigrants that have created a rally point for Trump supporters and a cause of concern for others.

Alex, Chemical Engineering Major


“Trump would make the worst president this country has ever seen.  He feeds off of people’s fear and uses it to isolate groups that he does not like.  It is scary that this type of hatred is currently the front runner of the Republican Party.”

Next Presidential Candidates?

While many of the people interviewed thought that Kasich was the right choice for the job, they did not believe he would be able to win the nomination.  Trump appears to have too much support to lose the lead.  Whatever he says or does appears to have almost no impact on how people feel about him.  These people want to have someone in the White House who is not afraid to say how he feels.  Currently, most buckeyes believe that Donald Trump will be the winner of the Republican Nomination for the 2016 Presidential Race.

Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are neck and neck in current polls.  Clinton’s email controversy has been pointed out by many, she is accused of sending classified information using her own personal email account.  Some people feel that she is being treated a lot more leniently in comparison to other people who have done similar crimes, such as General Patraeus. The email controversy is not the only thing that people are uncomfortable about when it comes to Clinton.  With 13 Hours just recently coming out, some people are pointing out Hilary Clinton’s involvement with the Benghazi attacks.  Even with her current political controversies, many students do not believe that Bernie Sanders will be able to take the nomination from Hilary Clinton.

Ohio State students believe that Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton will be the two presidential candidates everyone will be voting for this November.

Ohio State