How to deal with Valentine’s Day depending on your relationship status

From achingly single to ready to marry

You either love or hate Valentine’s Day, but there’s always a way to pass the time no matter what your relationship status on Facebook

Single and loving it

If you are the one that loves to be alone you already know that this day calls for pizza, movies, and probably lots of wine. You aren’t sulking in your singleness, but you sure as hell are going to enjoy all the perks of the day. Eat whatever you want and wear whatever you want because your lucky self has no responsibility other than your own interest.

Single but hate it

If you are dreading all the lovey-dovey stuff that comes with this Hallmark-holiday, treat yo’ self! If you simply can’t go out into the sea of hearts and holding hands, run to DQ and get yourself the cake-for-two and enjoy every bite. Or, if you want to take this day to give love a shot, there are a bunch of places you can go to meet that special someone!

Crushing hard

In 2016, we all know a relationship status is tricky to understand. If you’re crushing on someone and they don’t yet know it, what better day to tell them then Valentine’s Day? There are all sorts of new cards and ways to drop those hints, or if you really want to be discreet, you can always post anonymously on @OSUCrushes to relieve your burning passion.


Here is the most difficult status of them all: “talking.” You both have decided that you aren’t “talking” to other people but neither of you are quite ready to say you are dating just yet. So how should you show you care without being too clingy or attached? This Hallmark Holiday has become catered to even those gray-areas. Run to Target and you will find a slew of “I like you” cards when it’s just a little too fuzzy. Also, it may help to have a little talk with the other person to see their stance, some people who are “talking” are still down to do the dinner and a movie V-day date.

Long-distance love

Being far away from a significant other, especially on a day like Valentine’s can be tough. How do you show the other you still care without taking them to a fancy candlelit dinner? Show the other you want them to have a great day by sending them a gift card to their favorite dinner-spot and tell them to have at it. You don’t always need to spend money either – take an hour out of your day just for them. Hit them up on FaceTime and shut off all other forms of communication.

In a relationship

This is the easiest one because if you are dating you probably already know how the other wants to spend their Valentine’s day. Some love to stay in and have breakfast in bed and cuddle all day, some love to dress up and do an extravagant date night. Whatever it is, (even though you should be treating your S.O. great EVERY day), treat them a little more special this Sunday.

Love yourself or love another, just make sure this Valentine’s Day is full of it!

Ohio State