Ohio State alum keeps harassing the Business School and we don’t know why

‘If this guy comes back, someone should knock him out’

For the past two days, students have reported a man coming into Mason Hall and disturbing the peace.

An unidentified former student walked into Mason Hall’s Rohr Café yesterday evening.  Standing in front of studying students, he started yelling.

“I want to let you know that you don’t have to be successful in Fisher to be successful in life,” he bellowed behind Aviator sunglasses. “I didn’t do well here and now I’m killing it.”

The alumnus then started listing off faculty who had either helped or hurt him during his time at Ohio State, making threats against the latter.

Grant Beuher, a third year Business major, was at the scene and ended up calling the police. “It was really weird,” he said. “Like, this guy just started yelling and no one really knew what to do. Everyone started leaving, so I just figured it would probably best to get the police involved.”

Grant called the police who arrested the man, but have since released him. The Fisher College of Business went as far as to cancel all student organization meetings that night.

With the recent online threat that Ohio State University received on Tuesday, October 27th, many students and faculty are on edge.

Student Matt Shaver said:“If this guy comes back, someone should knock him out.”

Until someone does, students are advised to keep an eye out for strange behavior.

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Ohio State