Trends we must leave behind in 2015

Say goodbye to manbuns, #squadgoals and lips like Kylie

2016 is fast approaching and now is the season of New Year resolutions and hectic last minute party planning.

It’s also time to wave goodbye to the trends and obsessions that characterized 2015 and made it one of the most colorful years in recent memory.

Here’re a few of the things we should leave behind in 2015.

90s tattoo chokers

I don’t know about you guys, but I had a blast sporting a piece of plastic around my neck all summer to music festivals, parties and trips downstairs to my local bodega when I wanted to look a little more edgy.

Whether you went for the classic solid black or spiced it up with a pastel color (I went for the light pink), a rainbow or had some form of moon/smiley/weed leaf charm hanging from it, it was still a piece of plastic that you were wearing around your neck. I think we left this trend behind in the 90s for a reason.

Disclaimer: these are not real tattoos they are temporary tattoos made by @inkedbydani (definitely a trend that should stay in 2016)

#SQUAD (or even worse #SQUADGOALS)

We’ve been posting pictures of ourselves and our friend circles since the day social media became a thing, so when did it become necessary to announce that you have a #squad? And why is it #squadgoals that you guys dress up as Minions, Mean Girls or “Taylor Swift’s girl squad” for Halloween? And that you guys went to brunch the next morning?

My “squad’s” Halloween costume was some attempt to dress death metal (no one knew what we were) and my “squad” has never managed to coordinate a brunch.

The manbun

Was it ever even sexy? I’ll be honest I thought the manbun was kind of alluring when I first moved to Williamsburg this summer, but then suddenly every guy on every street corner had a fucking manbun.

It’s no longer ~exotic~. It looks more like a desperate attempt to seem like you’re cultured and play guitar, and consume nothing but black coffee and cigarettes. Save your hair-ties for the ladies in 2016, please.

The Kylie lip challenge

This one is pretty self explanatory.

Why the hell in the year 2015 did people suck on shot glasses to plump up their lips like Kylie Jenner?

Watch me whip/watch me nae nae

Tbh this dance craze I believe is about riding a horse is just nowhere near as cool as the Harlem Shake or Soulja Boy Tell ’em.

Like maybe in 2016 we should just bring back “superman that hoe” because the whip is just so lame. To the whip/nae nae, kindly please stay in 2015.

Fiji Water

I don’t know why or when it became trendy to Instagram a picture of your slightly more expensive bottle of water.

Water is water. I refuse to believe there are special minerals bottled up in that square. Same goes for Evian. And Voss…

Fleek, or rather “on fleek”

Urban dictionary defines “fleek” as being “on point” (another thing we need to stop saying). Fleek makes zero sense in the English language. Congrats to everyone whose eyebrows and/or nails were on fleek in the year 2015, but it’s definitely time we drop that term and move on.

Now for probably the worst of them all.

Netflix and Chill

If you’ve been living on Mars and somehow haven’t heard the term Netflix and Chill, it’s basically lingo for sex while Netflix just happens to be playing in the background.

Since when did it become OK for people to just ask people to Netflix and Chill? There is nothing chill about getting that text. Get a little more creative. Maybe Chinese takeout and chill? I’d prefer a candlelit dinner and bubble bath and chill, but that’s just me.

Justin Bieber

If you haven’t called in sick to work, emailed your professor once that you have come down with a case of Bieber Fever, then I question the mighty powers of your immune system.

My fellow Tab readers and Beliebers, remember as 2016 approaches, Biebs is missing more than just your body.
