What it’s like being sober at NYU

Isn’t NYU basically a party college? Yes! Would you like some more juice in your cup?

I knew what I was signing up for in terms of social life when I accepted NYU’s admission offer. The social scene at NYU is pretty impressive — there are a lot of parties and social events. So many that sometimes it can get absolutely overwhelming.

I mean, we do have pretty rave reviews and are given a solid A+ both overall and the party scene.

And of course, the fact we live in New York City where everyday is a party could not be emphasized more.
Now, being an introvert who hardly ever initiates conversation and only speaks up when called upon, I was petrified of what was about to come. Parties? Drinking? FLIRTING?! Absolutely not.

Great! So now I had two options. Either I had to put myself out there and get on with the general NYU stereotype, or I could become a total recluse.

And to be honest, I had almost decided to just stay under my blankets and never get out when I came across a post on the NYU Class of 2019 group that really was a blessing in disguise. It expressed basically all the thoughts in my mind.

Shout out to you Bessie, you basically caused the birth of the NYU Sober People 2019. After this, I saw all kinds of ideas spring up — right from Cards Against Humanity and dance parties to Disney movie marathons.
With a quirky cover photo(see below), this group was immediately a huge success.

The cover photo

We believe getting high on life is the way to go rather than alcohol and drugs. So since then, this group has been pretty active! The Sober People of 2019 has got a lot to offer:

There was a sweet dessert picnic in the first week of school

This was an amazing impromptu potluck style dessert picnic, which features basically everything you ever dreamed of! I mean who can say no to dessert right? (Sorry, freshman 15.)

Movies & Mac

Following the amazing movies that hit the theatre that week, we had the option to grab a good meal (mac and cheese–food of the gods) and have a good time. And of course, good ol’ Disney movies are never out of the picture.

Gelato and a stroll through WSP

I actually had the pleasure of accompanying my fellow sober friends on this excursion trip during Welcome Week for some of the best company and gelato I’ve had in New York City. Followed by a stroll through WSP when the weather was actually bearable, it was a perfect evening.

By the end of Welcome Week I was already feeling at home in New York. This was definitely in big part due to my Sober People fam. I made some of the greatest friends that night and in subsequent days.

By the end of it, I wasn’t so scared of fitting into the social circle of NYU. I realized my social circle didn’t have to be the same as everyone else’s, it could simply be Netflix and juice on a Saturday night.

Talks to make the group and actual club on campus are under way and we really hope it goes through! After all, we are the ASSSSK.

If you’d like to join the group, click here!
