Here’s what went down at the NYU Soirée at the Sea

We’re on a BOAT – and we’re completely sober

This Thursday was the, at least according to the Class Activities Board (Class of 2018), anticipated Marquee event of the year.

Now as a Brit, my first inclination is to go to these kinds of events with a little bit of help from our good friend Alcohol.

But, this of course was a dry event with an alleged bag check so I therefore embarked on the cruise stone cold sober.

While they never played “I’m on a Boat” (I mean it was so obvious), I was thrown back to a time where we were able to have fun while being sober.

As always – safety first? I was hoping they did have more than the 48 life jackets though…

A “soda only” bar but at least we could stuff our faces with food.

The Spirit Cruise staff were the life of party. This was their own personal take on “Whip Nae Nae”. Naturally.

That moment when “Crazy in Love” comes on and you just HAVE to get down no matter your dance ability.

Believe it or not, they were sober in this picture.

As you can see, I’m battling through the struggle of taking a photo while facing a crippling cold wind right in my face.

The truest of rebellions.

Can you spot the couple getting in the romantic mood to some classic Taylor Swift?

Here they are again, getting right in the center of all of the rowdy college kids.

Top night.
