Here are some of the coolest cosplayers of Comic Con

From big boned Sonics to mishaped Venoms

It’s over.

The four day orgy of comics, animation and major Hollywood studio announcements that floods NYC with fantastic costumed characters concluded yesterday.

Here’s a look at some of the heroes we spotted on our walk around the big Con (not as big as the one in San Diego, but still big).

You’re at Comic Con, why so blue?

This was one of my favorites because it’s multi-functional. You can go straight from Comic Con to any Fifty Shades of Grey screening — that’s efficient fashion folks.

This is the outfit that every college student needs in order to make a dramatic entrance and exit from lecture.

She may be small but don’t let that fool you — she’s carrying a sword.

Do you think I should have told him that you’re meant to cook in a microwave, not wear it on your head?

I’m going to be honest here: I momentarily thought they were dressed as those bugs from A Bug’s Life. (Either way, they looked fly.)

Is it just me or does it look like Sonic might be about to ‘Whip it’? Maybe even some ‘Nae nae’?

I dare you to tell this guy that his teeth are crooked. Come on, I dare you.

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