Accountants are people, too

We’re not all boring

I know that is one incredibly bold statement, but I stand my ground.

I, dare I say it, aspire to be one of those brave souls who pursues an accounting degree here at the Mendoza College of Business, and I’m here to break the stereotype of the “boring accountant.”

After discussing with some fellow accounting majors, we have proved and disproved the following:

Accounting rules the business world.

Megan Sorlie, senior account major, said: “Accounting is the language of business and there will always be a need for accountants.”

Accounting is what runs businesses and essentially rules the world. We pretty much have the keys to the castle ladies and gents. The whole numbers thing is pretty darn important and every company is going to need a number guy so there’s no escaping us.


Accountants are no fun.

Emily Carson, a junior accounting major, added: “I assumed accountants were little old men with glasses who sat behind a computer screen all day crunching numbers.”

Me on the right appeasing what the people think the “accountant” is

We all at one point thought accountants were anti-social and practically lived under a rock. I was constantly imagining little gremlins with calculators who never slept and hissed at sunlight. They were just sad…but that is just not the case, my friends.

Accountants do have to do the dirty work of crunching numbers, but there is plenty of group work which requires teams of accountants to gather and destroy. Plus, there are many individuals who have pursued an accounting degree, but wandered off the path and done pretty darn well for themselves with all the incredible knowledge accounting provided them with.

What real accountants look like

Accountants are a breed of their own.

Megan said: “Accountants live by the work hard, play hard mantra.” Emily added, “I think accounts offer people a nice surprise element when they meet them because usually you don’t expect to meet someone so charming and smart.”

You are darn right, ladies. The hours of an accountant are unforgiving, but some of the most fun people I know are accountants. They just build up so much steam that needs to be worked off, and boy, does the accountant population know how to work it off. We work hard and play just as hard.

So the next time you hear the word “accountant,” I hope you ditch the gremlin image and trade it with the freaky fun and charming essence we really embrace.

Notre Dame University