All the emotions you’ll experience at the end of the semester

Should I be excited or terrified? Maybe both?

Whether it’s your first or last semester at NC State, the end of the year brings a strange set of emotions with it. It’s exciting because summer is almost here, but it’s scary because another semester is behind us and adulthood is getting closer.

It may or may not be the last time you have to live in a 7×7 cube with another person who likes to bathe twice a week and use their Keurig at 7 in the morning. The end of the year definitely has its perks, but it can also be a bittersweet time.


It’s safe to say this is the most dominant emotion for college students at the end of the semester. Hallelujah, you made it through Statistics. Maybe the Spanish class you never thought would end is finally over with. That killer class that was keeping you up at night finishing pointless Webassigns is in the rearview. Time to celebrate.

Time to move out of the dorm, possibly for the last time. Nothing is more exciting than the idea of never having to wear shower shoes again, no more 3.30am fire drills, etc. The list could go on forever. It’s a good learning experience, but no one is very sad about leaving dorm life behind.


Every once in awhile, you come across a class that really makes an impact. You don’t dread walking all the way across campus every other day to listen to the professor’s lecture. For me, it was a literature class. I really enjoyed the thought-provoking readings and actually taking something away from each class.

Some of us have had professors who were the sole reason we dragged ourselves to early morning classes. Attractive professors can serve as encouragement, too. Maybe then you’ll put a little more effort into your work. There’s a reason Rate My Professor has a chili pepper option for students to evaluate looks. (Shoutout to “Bucky” Gates – the only person who could ever make me care about Paleontology.)


Is it a good thing or a bad thing to be another semester closer to adulthood? It’s terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time. As the semester comes to a close, it’s a good time to start thinking about the future. Some day soon we’ll be in the workforce, which is enough to send anyone into a frenzy of panic.

Things will never quite be the same. But change is a good thing, isn’t it? College is the time for new experiences and getting to know yourself. Each semester offers new opportunities to do so.

Did I mention the end of the semester means we’re only a few months away from football season? WOLF!

North Carolina State University