Everything a freshman at NC State now knows

‘I woke up early in high school, so an 8am should be fine’ – incorrect

Scared of starting the journey that is college? It is in every upcoming freshman’s best interest to find some wisdom in the students before them.

I was terrified when I went to college for the first time, but at the end of my freshman year, there are a few things I now know.

The colors here at State are very important

We truly are the Red and White from State and we must not ever forget it. Sport your red and white whenever you can (which is all the time) and let everyone know what school you’re from. You are officially part of the Wolfpack now. N-C-S-U Go Pack Go!

High school isn’t anything like college

When you are tackling your first year of college, it’s important to know that high school probably didn’t prepare you. Always take into consideration that college will be different. That means you’ll need to take a different approach than you did in high school.

The whole campus is made of brick

Whether it is raining, snowing, or sunny weather, expect to either slip, trip, or fall on the bricks at some point in your first year at State. Better yet, you’ll probably trip during all of your years at State. That is just part of the tradition here.

Whether you want to join the Bean boots fad or wear your Hunter rain boots, please invest in sensible shoes for bricks. I highly discourage Sanuks and other flat shoes.

Study, study, STUDY

Studying is so important here. Were you the kid in high school who got an A+ no matter how little you studied or how little you paid attention in class? If you were, get ready for a culture shock.

College isn’t the same. Visit your professors’ office hours. Find tips and trick for every class to help you find your groove for studying and getting a grasp on the information.

Mr. and Mrs. Wuff

What could be more important than our mascots? Make it your goal to take a picture with Mr. and Mrs. Wuff at some point in your first year. They always do their best to hype up the crowd, and let’s be serious…it can be really hot in those masks. All of us can’t be as great as the students who bring our mascots to life.

UNC is the enemy no matter how much you don’t care or how much they deny it

In sports, in academics, in basically anything else you can think of, we don’t like UNC. There isn’t much else to it, we root against them we have friendly rivalry and we battle back and forth on a regular basis. UNC will forever deny that they have a rivalry with us, but they wouldn’t battle back if they weren’t our rivals. Even if you are a UNC fan, never let that show on campus, you will never live it down.

Wolfpack sports (we all know this struggle)

With the last few years being less than impressive in the world of Wolfpack sports, we still never stray from the love of the red and white. Never give up on the team. We are the underdogs and we thrive off of the support of the fans and the spirit squads.

We live for when the Bell Tower lights up red. Always back the Pack. Our hearts ever hold you, NC State.

Above all else, get involved and have fun

Think a club looks fun? Join it. An upcoming show that looks interesting? Go to it. Love playing an instrument? Join the band. A class looks like it will be really great? Take it.

Your first year at State is one for exploring and learning about all of the things you never got the chance to in high school. This is the place to really find yourself and make friends that will last a lifetime.

Never forget about PackaPalooza and Wolfpack Welcome Week. Those are the two best ways to meet people in your first few days at State. College will be new, fun and unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Enjoy that feeling.

North Carolina State University