What life is like when you’re from Wallburg, NC

Wallburg: 3,000 of your closest friends all in one place

There are plenty of stereotypical small southern towns, and if you’ve never heard of Wallburg, North Carolina, you would have no idea it’s a little different from the rest. Locals on the outskirts of our town may argue whether it has one “L” or two, but I promise it’s W-A-L-L-B-U-R-G.

Sheetz is the place to be

It’s really our own version of Disney World. This is where we come to hang out at the outdoor picnic tables with friends after school and on the weekends. If it’s raining or really cold outside, we just tough it out or hang out in the car.

Rumors of a new fast food restaurant in Wallburg spread like wildfire

At one point, there was a rumor of a Taco Bell being built in Wallburg, but nothing ever came of it. We even begged for a Chick-fil-A, but I’m pretty sure we don’t have a big enough population for the franchise to even consider coming our way.

An Asian-fusion restaurant is where you meet up for squad reunions

Right across the street from Sheetz, an earth-shattering restaurant was built. Everyone loves this Asian restaurant where the servers know your order if you’re a regular. My usual server knows I’m addicted to the white shrimp sauce, so he knows to bring me extra from the start. When my friend group comes home from college, we all meet here for dinner – as well as around half of our graduating class.

A high schooler wrote a song about our little town, and everyone could relate

She posted a video of an original song to Facebook, and practically every Wallburg native watched and shared it within 24 hours. Today it has over 22,000 views and almost 500 shares.

The entire town is located on the side of Highway 109

On your right you’ll see the (newly built) town hall and Wallburg Diner, and on your left is the elementary school. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it and be in Winston-Salem already.

The county line runs straight through town

The counties switch on the far side of Wallburg. This doesn’t sound significant, but it means a lot to those of drinking age. Many have experienced the struggle of going to a gas station located in Davidson County (a dry county), entering the beer cave and finding soda instead.

But just across the street at a little Ma & Pop gas station, there’s plenty of alcohol for sale. Once you cross the county line into Forsyth, you can drink to your heart’s desire.

There’s not much to do in town, so getting food is always our social activity

If you haven’t noticed yet, food joints are a common theme in the town of Wallburg. If you want to hang out somewhere with friends, your main option is to meet at a restaurant or fast food place because there’s nowhere else to go. Or you just drive around town jamming to music. We’ve all done that, too.

Everyone’s first job is at the same place

When someone in town turns 16 and decides to get a job, they go one of two places – Food Lion or Little Richard’s. Growing up in Wallburg, you’re destined to become a cashier or waiter at some point. Chances are you’ll have to refill the sweet tea of someone from high school who you can’t stand. There’s just no escaping it.

It may not be a name that many North Carolinians know, but those of us who grew up in and around the town of Wallburg know just how unique it is. With an area of only a few square miles, residents are used to knowing all their neighbors, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Some may move away for college and careers, but we’ll always come back for the BBQ, sushi and Sheetz runs.

North Carolina State University