Every type of MSU football fan you’ll see

Don’t be The Nostalgic

The football season has not been kind to the MSU faithful this year; the first seven weeks of football have delivered two wins and four losses for the Spartans as well as a 0-3 record in the Big Ten. As the losses continue to pile up, the fans have begun to take on many different personalities to cope with the defeats.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at the most common types of fans you’ll see at an MSU game this year. Who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself on this list.

The Nostalgic

Don’t be this fan. Trash talking is a part of every game day experience, but this fan goes about it all wrong. Rather than talking up the strengths of our current team, the nostalgic will bring up every accomplishment of the last five years.

Nothing is more lame than screaming, “Oh yeah? Well did YOU go to the playoffs?” or “If Michigan is so much better, why can’t they get a punt off!?” Please, just… don’t be this fan.

The Faithful

This is the fan you want to be around. The faithful fan is the one who refuses to leave the game early. They stick with this team through thick and thin, even if that means staying until the end of a blowout loss to Wisconsin. They can be heard saying things like “Coach Dantonio is a genius, he’ll turn us around,” or “Don’t rule us out yet, we can hang with anyone!”

While this fan won’t always be the happiest at the end of the day, you can always count on them to stay positive and cheer up the room while the game is still on.

The Couch Coach 

We’ve all met this fan. They’re the one who knows exactly what the team should have doneThey can be heard from three rows away, saying things like “I would have benched O’Conner weeks ago,” or “Who the heck punts on fourth and four?!” Just nod your head, and eventually they’ll tire themselves out for at least a few plays.

The Distraction Seeker

This fan is not having a good time. Fans like this are often a reluctant or new fan. The distraction seeker is already looking ahead to the next sport and often has little loyalty. Though you’re not likely to hear them at the game (they’ve probably already left), you’ll see them later on your Twitter timeline saying things like, “Basketball season can’t come soon enough! #2-4″ or “At least the marching band is good.”

The Entrepreneur 

Here’s a fan that you’ll see, not at the game, but at home. Why would a season ticket holder stay home during a game, you ask? It’s because this fan has sold all of their tickets just half way into the season.

The entrepreneur is the opposite of The Faithful. They’ll be heard whining all day with phrases like, “Why would I sit in the cold for three hours just for us to lose?” or “I’d be losing money if I went to watch us lose; at least this way I get $50.” You can’t convince this fan they’re wrong, but you can at least smile knowing they won’t get to witness the next victory.

The Escape Artist

This is not the fan to engage in a debate with. As far as the escape artist is concerned, the Spartans are the obvious choice for league champions, if they could just get a fair shake. This is the fan that points out that “We’ve had far too many big injuries,” or “We can’t catch a break from the refs!”

The Realist

Finally, we have the realist. This fan isn’t happy by what they’ve seen, but they’re also not surprised. The realist is the first person to remind you that “We were never going to be good as last year,” and “We should never have expected Tyler O’Conner to perform as well as Conner Cook.” While they may seem arrogant or negative for seeing this rough start coming, rest assured that this fan is just hiding their broken dreams behind that smug facade.

Though most Spartan fans can be found above, there is a chance that none of these describes you, or perhaps you’re a combination of a few. But above all remember that when our team falters, we always have to stay strong as a Spartan community and support our fellow Spartan Dawgs.

Michigan State