The best things about football season at Michigan State

It’s (always) a beautiful day for football… even with a negative windchill

Football season at Michigan State is like no other. With only a few weeks left before the first kickoff, let’s talk about all of the things that make football season at MSU the best.

Game day

It’s pretty self-explanatory. Game day is the day we all look forward to during the season. You wake up to roaring music and fans tailgating at 8am, especially if you live in South Neighborhood. My first two years living in Holden made game day even more special being so close to Spartan Stadium. And when the games aren’t until 8pm you get the whole day to prepare and get amped up for the actual game itself, which means more tailgating.



There’s noting like waking up and taking a few jello shots before you even get out of bed. This is just the pre-game for the tailgating. I had always seen tailgates in movies before I went to college and thought they couldn’t be anything like that for real. Tailgating at MSU is just as amazing as the movies. You get to spend hours getting hyped up for the game with your Spartan family, and then sometimes not even make it to the game due to the excessive partying.

Grand River

If you happen to be on Grand River before a game there are is only green and white in sight. Everyone is dressed in their Spartan “gear” ready every day for Spartan football. Stores are even more decorated during football season because of how huge it is. When you’re walking down Grand River during the season you will definitely hear more “go green, go white” chants then you normally would.

The gear

I don’t love anything as much as some MSU tshirts, sweatshirts and sweatpants. I could live in comfy casual clothes and look like a bum every day because of how much I love it and don’t care. I think that so far every time football rolls around again I purchase an absurd amount of school apparel. Every time the school year starts and I go into a store thinking I’m getting textbooks I leave with more clothes. By the time I graduate, I think half of my closet will be MSU gear and I am not mad at all.

Game traditions

Before every game the announcer and the whole stadium says, “It’s a beautiful day for football!” – no matter what the weather is. It could be 12 degrees and it is still a beautiful day for football. Singing the fight song never gets old during football season because it’s part of the traditions. All of the chants and dances during the game are what make football season so great. Everyone loves doing them and doesn’t care what they look like because it’s for MSU. To add to the traditions, you can never forget about MSU Marching Band. Our band is crazy and always know how to put on a show.

Zeke the Wonder Dog

Who doesn’t love dogs? And who doesn’t love a dog that catches frisbees on the Spartan field. Zeke is probably one of the best things by far during the season. Everyone in the stadium cheers on Zeke as if he was one of the players. The crowd goes crazy when he catches the frisbee and honestly, even if he doesn’t. Even though Zeke is not just one dog that has done this forever, every Zeke is just as special as the last.

Cedar Village

When my parents heard what happens after a huge win during football season they were a bit confused, but this is how we show our excitement. Burning couches and throwing bagels in the street at Cedar Village is what makes MSU so special. It may seem stupid, but it’s so exciting to go in huge crowds after a crazy win and live in the moment with all your fellow Spartans. Although we think it’s fun, the police and campus officials don’t, but traditions are traditions.


We have THE best college mascot. Sparty brings so much joy to everyone at any event and especially during the season. My favorite thing at the games that Sparty does is when he runs down the field with a Spartan flag and throws it into the ground. That’s when shit is about to get real and the Spartans are about to kill another game.


After a long day of tailgating and watching football, the only thing I ever think about is eating. Football season means ordering ridiculous amounts of food with friends just so we can lay on the floor in a food coma right after.

Beating U of M

There is nothing better than a victory against University of Michigan. Nothing at all. Beating our rivals during football season is 300 times crazier than any other season. It’s just so amazing, and I can’t wait to watch it all again this year.

Waiting for football season is hard but definitely worth it in the end. GO GREEN! GO WHITE!

Michigan State