How to survive finals at MSU

Make a to do list of things you’ve already done just to feel accomplished

So, finals week is here all over again, and even if you are a freshman or you’ve been going through this hell for four years, you’re definitely not thankful for this week.

If you didn’t get a Care Package (like your roommate probably did), make your own Survival Kit!

Since this is for you from you, it can be perfectly customized with whatever you prefer to eat, drink and do while studying under pressure and stress.

To Do Lists or Sticky Notes

And even highlighters and color pens. Contrary to the popular belief that only girls write notes with colors and put sticky notes on their laptops, this will work for everybody. Writing down everything you need to do and remember will make your life easier, so you don’t have to check every class’ syllabus and D2L right before studying. Also, writing stuff in colors and highlighting what’s important will help you memorize it, and make it easier when you need to search for something on your notes.

Life Savers

Advil, Midol, Tylenol, or whatever pain killer you like. Trust me, this will definitely come in handy.

Healthy Snacks

Unless your usual diet consists on pizza and fries (which sucks for you), you will need some fruits and veggies to keep your body and mind stable and working as they normally would.

Not-so-healthy Snacks

This will make you feel better when you’re stressed out. Focus on acing exams and not calories, you’ll deal with that later.

Reminder: Insomnia Cookies has deliveries until 4am

Real Food

Even if you think you’ll be able to survive by eating  granola bars all day at the library (or you don’t even feel hungry from taking addy), take some time to eat actual meals, or at least get a sandwich from Sparty’s. Caffeine and RedBull do not do good with an empty stomach.

Dry Shampoo

Because who has time to take long showers and do their hair before a 7:45am exam?!

Study Breaks

Whether it’s going for a walk, sitting by the red cedar, taking a nap, or even drinking beers with your friends (maybe hitting the bars if you’re a party animal), you WILL NEED this time to relax and enjoy.

And start the countdown for summer!

(Also, get ready to wait in two-hour lines when hitting the bars this weekend.)

Michigan State