People aren’t too happy about Rama’s new time change

Will the extended days be something that will stay around?

Mid afternoon on Monday April 18th, The Riv made an announcement that they’re now changing the time of their popular event, Rama. Now people can get out of bed a few hours earlier to start their Thursday drinking activities. The bar recently posted that Rama will now begin at 10am insteadĀ of noon.

With intent to expand the event hours and bring in more business, not all Rama goers quite agree. People argue that it’ll just make Rama even more crowded than it already turns out to be. If you’re a seasoned vet, or a rookie you may already have your opinion onĀ the new changes.

But who doesn’t like a burger at 10am?

With the last few weeks of the school year approaching, the bar life still remains in full swing. Though, many students leave for the summer, so not until next year will we see the true response of the newly established time changes.

Michigan State