Students and professors at UMD have donated the most to Hillary Clinton

Take a look at the presidential candidates your peers and professors are donating to

Have you ever wondered who your peers and professors have been supporting through the presidential campaign?

These donations to presidential candidates have been documented from April 2015. So far more donations have been given to Hillary Clinton from students and professors at the University of Maryland than any other candidate. Clinton has received a total of $21,093.49 from 23 donors at UMD.

Donations by candidate:

Hillary Clinton

Total donated: $21,093.49

Number of donations: 27

Number of donors: 23

Average donation: $781.24

Bernie Sanders

Total donated: $5,150

Number of donations: 16

Number of donors: 12

Average donation: $321.88

Martin O’Malley

Total donated: $8,250

Number of donations: 10

Number of donors: 9

Average donation: $825

Jeb Bush

Total donated: $5,700

Number of donations: 3

Number of donors: 3

Average donation: $1,900

Ben Carson

Total donated: $3,500

Number of donations: 3

Number of donors: 3

Average donation: $1,166.67

Chris Christie

Total donated: $500

Number of donations: 1

Number of donors: 1

Average donation: $500

Marco Rubio

Total donated: $500

Number of donations: 1

Number of donors: 1

Average donation: $500

Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, and Donald Trump all received no donations.

University of Maryland