Campus tour forced to change route after students threw bar of soap at visitor’s head

They better clean up their act

Police are investigating reports of various objects being thrown from Ellicott Hall towards the diner following an incident on February 12th when someone visiting the University of Maryland was injured after being struck by a bar of soap during his campus tour, said the Department of Resident Life.

It seems the University is not too happy with the less than stellar impression this type of behavior has on prospective students and their families.

The Department of Resident Life recently sent out an e-mail to all Ellicott Hall residents reminding them that actions such as throwing water bottles and bars of soap out of windows can be punishable by removal from campus housing.

In addition, a member of the Maryland Images Campus Tour Guides confirmed that they have temporarily altered their route following the incident. For the time being, they will not be taking tour groups into the diner.

Way to go Maryland, way to go.

University of Maryland