Why it’s so much better to live off campus

After two years in on campus housing, I knew it wasn’t for me

The second most important thing on any college students checklist for an upcoming year is housing. I lived on campus for the first two years at UMD and while I adored my roommate and the 30 other student on my floor, I just knew that on campus housing wasn’t right for me.

After the first two years and not being able to see my pets or have any true bonds with the other students on my floor, I decided to live off campus and take my housing destiny into my own hands. At the time I was working on campus at the glorious 251 North Dining Hall and a fellow student coworker had mentioned an affordable off campus housing option through a non-profit organization called “CHUM” abbreviated for Cooperative Housing at University of Maryland, which is where I currently reside today.
There are many different reasons why I love living off campus compared to on campus.

You can have pets

The first reason I love living off campus is because I can have my dog and cat with me. As an animal science major, I love animals more than anything. On campus students are only allowed to have a fish, a measly little fish.

In my current house we have three dogs, three cats and a snake, so you could say we indulged in being able to have our furry and not-so-furry companions.

It’s so much cheaper

Financial problems are majority of college students’ middle name and living on campus just doesn’t help the situation, as it costs more to stay in the residential or campus apartments. Living off campus allows college students to save some extra dough in their pockets for a rainy day.

Home away from home

By living off campus I got to live with a small group of college students (less than 10 people) and get to know them and build friendships. I didn’t consider the dorms my ‘home’ , but I do consider the house I currently live in with my pets home. I know and greet the neighbors, my housemates and I have social gatherings and meet each others friends and we help each other out whether with each others pets, homework or chores.


Although it may not be the funnest reason but ever since I have been living off campus I have gained more responsibility and have embraced becoming an adult. I have to time manage between classes and driving home, manage time for me to let my dog out, make sure my finances are in order by the end of each month and learn how to write a check.

As an off campus resident of two years and a fellow college student, I would highly recommend living off campus and embracing the responsibility and opportunity

University of Maryland