Finals Week street style

Remember when you thought you were going to die from stress?

You’re home now with nothing to do but binge watch Netflix and eat all your mom’s home cooking.

It feels like ages ago when Testudo offerings occurred, students struggled to survive on barely any sleep, and their apparel choices gave true insight into their sanity level during this hectic time. Whatever your style was during Finals Week, whether you were dressed to the 10 or opted for the pyjamas, hopefully your fashion helped you Ace your final.

As you relax at home, check out the finals fashion and laugh at the stress you endured during that Hellish week.

Jessica Feldman, freshman, Journalism

The key to finals is staying comfortable.

Georgia Slater, freshman, Journalism

This is called I just took a two hour final online with my friends, yet I am still screwed. Had to dress to be ready to go straight from test taking to traveling home.

Zihan Pan, junior, Physics

I’m lazy during finals so I just picked the first thing I grabbed out of my closet.

Ethan Sim, sophomore, Business

I’m wearing sweatpants and my raincoat. It’s finals fashion, I guess.

Samantha Pinkett, freshman, Letters and Sciences

I’m so excited to walk through the rain and sit in the library all day studying!

Martina Dragoytchev, freshman, Letters and Sciences

This rainy day is bringing me down during finals, but my outfit makes me feel better.

Ashwin Ravi, senior, Economics

Well… it’s raining and cold.

Joseph Catapano, freshman, Journalism

I woke up this morning and had to dress to impress. I needed an outfit that said “I’m going to kill this final.”

Caitlin Lane, freshman, Communication

I haven’t brushed my hair in three days and my leggings have a hole in them.

Jacob Orgel, freshman, Government and Politics

I think I’m on energy drink number 12.

University of Maryland