There are better things to do than study for finals

Why go to McKeldin when you can go to Turf

With finals approaching, do you really want to be spending all nighters at McKeldin cramming for an exam you will inevitably fail? Didn’t think so.

There are far better ways to spend your time rather than studying, because remember guys- C’s get degrees.

Finish that Netflix show you gave up on halfway through the season

How can you possibly study when there are still 5 more seasons of Grey’s calling your name?

E-mail your professors begging for last minute extra credit

Is it too late now to say sorry?

Happy hour at Turf

Because no great story ever started with a textbook.

Get your last minute holiday shopping done

Those gifts won’t buy themselves!

Sleep, tbh

When all hope is lost just curl up in your bed. You’ll thank me later.

Destress at one of Eppley’s yoga classes

Plan your winter break itinerary

The stress of finals is nothing compared to not having plans for New Year’s Eve.

Prepare your obituary

Death by calc.

Compile a list of things to offer Testudo for good luck

You’ll be needing it.

Or, if things are really dire,  you can always accept defeat and drop out

It’s not too late to fulfill your lifelong dream of becoming Vine famous.

University of Maryland