Prepare yourself for away weekend

If you don’t read these rules your away weekend will suck

Going on an away weekend this weekend?

Driving hours on end just to hang out with the same people you usually hang out with, but in a new place?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, here are some tips below that you might find useful for your fall away weekend.

You won’t be studying or doing anything you should be doing before finals

If you plan on doing any work whatsoever while you are there, do not count on it. Don’t even bother bringing your computer because you’ll probably just end up breaking it anyway.

Find pizza or die

Find the number to the local pizza place in advance, as there is no food. Anywhere. Because there is no pizza place in the middle of the woods.

Hydrate responsibly

It’s a marathon not a sprint. Water will be your best friend.

Make sure people actually know how to drive

When driving to the final destination, make the person who is in charge of driving your vehicle can actually drive. Maybe even set up a little driving test when they come to pick you up…

Side bar: Advil. It’ll save your life (and sanity).

Pack the gatorade

Gatorade – it’s called gatorADE for a reason. Bring a bottle or 17. Or 30.

Another side bar: Sleep is not for the weak. Seriously, get in your z’s. You’ll be happy you did when it’s time to rally.

Boys bring your Timbs

If you’re a boy, there’s a strict dress code of timbs and flannels.

And ladies…

Make sure to get a “cute” ugly sweater for the “ugly sweater” party.

But, if you’re not at away weekend 

Bask in your glory. Those short chipotle lines (jk lol never) and empty happy hours have their own perks.

In the end, you need to decide which is best- away weekend or stay weekend?

University of Maryland away weekend college away weekend