An open letter to the girls in my sorority house

To all my fellow house girls out there, this one’s for you

I don’t know if everyone knows what a sorority house is like here at JMU but let me describe it to you really fast.

It’s a dorm. An old dorm. That a fraternity used to live in… so just let that sink in for a minute.

Okay so anyways. About 30 of us, give or take, live in this fine establishment. Half on the first floor, and half on the second floor. Our house is divided by the ‘quiet’ floor and the ‘loud’ floor to give our house mom (ayyyyy Mary!!) a lil break. I have the pleasure of living on what is deemed the more ‘wild’ of the two floors. But I digress… here’s a letter to all of you sista friends.

Home girls,

Living here isn’t glamorous.

Sometimes it takes a little while for our house cleaner to roll through during the week so things aren’t the cleanest… so like majority of the time. The sink fills up with dishes for days, the floors can be sticky, the trashcan overflows a lot, and our fridge is stocked full of week old food.

Sometimes our basement decides to have a freak flood and sometimes the door to the stairs won’t close all the way so that annoying beeping noise goes off for what seems like eternity.

Sometimes we spend too much time pent up together (AKA snow days) and consider who would we like to shove down the stairs first.

Sometimes the showers are all taken when you’re running late to class and sometimes a lot of your things get ‘misplaced’ amongst other peoples’ stuff.

Okay BUT listen.

Living here has been amazing.

Sometimes we stay up late together in someone’s room or in the basement talking about nothing but talking about everything at the same time.

Sometimes we take late night walks to Mr. Chips or Dog Pound when really we should be sleeping for our 8am class the next day.

Sometimes we go on late night drives to nowhere just to blast music and think about life together.

Sometimes we all stay up late with our roommates and hallmates and best friends planning our futures… from as far as spring break to as far as our weddings.

Sometimes I realize that my life would have been very different if I couldn’t have gotten to live with some of my lifelong best friends.

Being a house girl is not an easy life, but I think I speak for most of us when I say it was one of the best decisions of my college career. Living with these girls has created a powerful bond for all of us that will last a lifetime. We’ve laughed, cried, gone out, studied, eaten and everything in between all together.

Life wouldn’t be half as great without you all in it. Can’t wait for our last three months together.

All my love,

Your fellow house girl


James Madison University