Southerners don’t know how to deal with snow

What is this stuff?

Maybe you’re all familiar with the snowpocalpse that hit Georgia a couple years ago. Schools were shut down for a week, no one could drive on the interstate, and grocery stores were wiped out. The entire state has been made fun of it ever since, but not our fault we don’t have snowplows ya know.

Here at JMU, we get a good amount of snow every winter. My first year on campus, I was blown away that all of my friends didn’t react the same way I did when snow fell…. But maybe that’s because they’re all used to it being from the north and all.

Here is a sneak peek into my thought process when it snows, just so you all can understand what it’s like to people lower than North Carolina.

What is that. Wait… Wait a second… IS THAT SNOW?!?! GUYS IT’S SNOWING

How much snow do we think were going to get… will class be cancelled tomorrow? Please tell me class is going to be cancelled.

I should finish my homework anyways……………. LOL nah I’ll take my chances

I’ve never seen this much snow in my life. It’s almost covering my feet!!!!

Who wants to go play in the half an inch of snow? Anybody?

Guys we need to go grocery shopping. What if we can’t leave for days? I literally only have two boxes of macaroni and cheese and coffee left.

Eh maybe I can live off of that for a little while because ya girl also only has $5 left in her name.

Wow how is it still coming down?

What is that huge car thing? Is that what a real snowplow looks like?! Whoa.

Okay nowwwwww can we go outside?! Anybody anybody any takers. You all suck why don’t you like snow.

Oh you had to shovel feet of it as a kid? That is ROUGH… for you. Let’s go c’mon please please please.

**Somehow convinces every northerner friend to put snow clothes on**


Wait what should we use as a sled? Why don’t you guys own sleds here? IDK about you but to me it seems like a logical thing to bring to a school that gets snow. I know!! Let’s just use this leftover pizza box… perfect.

Ok wow it’s freezing. So so cold I have never been this cold in my life. Are you guys made for this or something? How are you only wearing leggings right now.

**Runs around for 30 minutes**

Okay lets go back inside I’m tired and cold and hungry.

You guys were right; it’s kinda better to just see the snow from the warmth of the house. But we’re doing it again tomorrow anyways because for me, there’s still something magical about it.

James Madison University