The best places to cry on campus

Ever felt the tears coming on but didn’t know where to go to let it out?

With classes, clubs, sports, internships, volunteering and all other extracurriculars we Dukes are a part of, bad days are inevitable. If you’re feeling your eyes start to water and need a quick get away, check out one of these ten locations nearest you!

1. Carrier/ECL Study Rooms

These rooms may say “group study only” or “individuals will be asked to leave,” but no jerk is going to force you out mid cry-sesh. Find an open room on an upper floor, face away from the door, and pretend you’re waiting for your group to arrive. No one will ever know.

2. The hill behind Hillcrest 

You don’t have to be an honors student to enjoy this location. If the hustle and bustle of the quad ever becomes too overwhelming, go sit on the lawn behind the Hillcrest House facing Madison Union. The view from up there is surprisingly beautiful, and a different viewpoint is certain to help you feel less trapped in the JMU Bubble.

3. D-Hall Hill

You may not want to cry, but you will… This hill is the enemy of all JMU students and should be avoided whenever possible.

4. Astronomy Park

This is the best place for a late night meltdown on East Campus. When the stress of classes is taking its toll on you, go outside and lay down on one of the cement bleachers on the Festival Lawn. The great part about this location is that you can cry all you want and people will just think you’re stargazing. 10/10 would recommend.

5. Counseling Center

The Counseling Center in SSC is a hidden treasure on campus. If you’re ever feeling truly hopeless and need a good cry, check this place out. They offer individual and group sessions, mindfulness and relaxation techniques, and alone time in an expressive art studio and relaxation room. If you feel stupid going in for support: don’t. These people are here to help you.

6. Arboretum 

When the tears are coming and you feel like no one will understand, go get lost in the Arboretum. Nature won’t judge you.

7. NewREC Pool 

Swimming laps in the UREC pool is a great place to shed a few tears without anyone noticing. Not only are you getting out your frustrations, but you’re also getting an endorphin rush by exercising. But if workouts aren’t for you, go jump in the new hot tub with one of your girl/guy friends. A good vent and cry sesh in warm waters is sure to help you feel better!

8. Forbes Practice Rooms

Most non-theater majors don’t even know these exist. But if you’re feeling like a quiet sob just isn’t good enough, go find an open practice room in Forbes. This way you can finally ugly cry about your rapidly declining GPA in peace. They’re even sound proof, so wail away my friends.

9. Ground Floor Bathrooms

If your dorm or apartment doesn’t have these, I sincerely apologize. These communal bathrooms are the most convenient places to cry; people rarely use them, and they’re one of the few places you can be completely alone in a residence hall of 250+ students.

10. F%*# it

If you can’t seem to make it to any of these location, you can literally just cry wherever you are. This is college. People have done much crazier and more shameful things than cry in public. Just remember that it happens to everyone, it’ll make you feel better, and it will be a good story to tell later! I promise that your JMU family will still love you, tears and all!

James Madison University