‘Before I meet people, they’ve already heard I’m conservative’: Meet the IC Republicans President

They didn’t endorse Trump

Ever wondered what it’s like being a conservative in a sea of liberals?

Welcome to the life of the members of the Ithaca College Republican Club.

The 40 strong club put out a statement on their social media pages stating that they would not support Donald Trump as a presidential candidate and saying that they will, “only [support] those who promote a positive, optimistic vision of our country and use conservative solutions to solve problems”.

Even more recently, our next door conservative neighbors at Cornell University had their credentials removed by the New York Federation of College Republicans for endorsing Gov. Gary Johnson.

We talked to IC Republicans President Kyle Stewart to find out:

Why does Donald Trump not have IC Republicans support?

The Ithaca College Republicans is a group of young people who value free markets, individual liberty and small government. We don’t support every Republican candidate. Only those who promote a positive, optimistic vision for our country and use conservative solutions to problems.

Donald Trump is antithetical to our mission. We want a party that welcomes everyone while Donald Trump wants a party that pushes people away.

What exactly has happened at Cornell University with their Republican club?

IC Republicans denounced Donald Trump as the Republican nominee. The state federation, while unhappy that we criticized the nominee, didn’t take any action against us. The Cornell University republicans also denounced Trump but they went a step further and endorsed Gov. Gary Johnson. This was within their right under the New York Federation of College Republicans constitution.

The NYFCR took action quickly and the next day voted to revoke Cornell’s credentials in the state federation. This move by the state chairman, who works for the Donald Trump campaign, was uncalled for. I sit on the NYFCR executive board as the Central Regional chairman and I voted against the measure.

The IC Republicans released a resolution condemning the state federation which was followed by the Geneseo College Republicans also coming out with a statement criticizing the vote. The Cornell Republicans and the IC Republicans will continue to work together to get Cornell reinstated in the state federation.

What is it like going to the fifth Most Liberal College in America according to The Princeton Review?

For most of my life, I’ve lived in areas where the predominant political ideology was liberal. I enjoy having political beliefs that are contrary to what most people believe. I’d rather be challenged than live my life insulated from opposing opinions.

When other Ithaca students hear that you’re conservative, how do they react?

Tabling at the organization fair for the IC Republicans is always a fun experience. When conservatives find the table, they are overjoyed that the club even exists. Meanwhile, there have been some very negative reactions from liberals, either laughing at the fact that we have a College Republicans group or challenging our members to explain why they are conservative.

In my personal life, at this point I’ve been so open with my conservative beliefs that before I meet most people, they’ve already heard I’m conservative.

Have you ever been nervous or hesitant to express your political views on campus?

My freshman year I was definitely more hesitant to express my views but as I became more adjusted to campus, I realized that if I didn’t speak up and express conservative views, no one would.

Now as a junior, I want to be a role model for younger conservatives on campus. It is important to express your opinions in class and it is also important to listen to the opinions of those you disagree with.

Ithaca College