How to nail a girls’ night out in Ithaca

South Aurora is our catwalk

You’ve had a rough week, your 8ams are killing you and your legs are sore from all the hills on campus. So, what do you do at the end of the week when you’re at Ithaca College? Three words. Girls. Night. Out.

Getting ready

Hopefully your girls night falls on a day that Zoom Tan has their glorious $1 spray tan days. Gather your squad up and head over there early, because the half hour line can be torturous when you’re by yourself. Let your spray tan dry and make sure to take a disgusting amount of group pictures, because now you’re all long tan and handsome.

The pre game

Where else but Happy Hour at Viva for some great deals on margs after you spray tan? Nothing says a girl’s night like reduced prices, tequila and tacos.

After one too many drinks at Viva, you have to regroup and rally. Return to your dorm, apartment or house – whatever living arrangements you have. Bring your own box of wine or get creative and make a huge bucket of sangria for everyone to share. Half the pre game will consist of taking pictures in front of a tapestry while the other half will be trying to chug as much Crisp White Franzia as you can. Cheers ladies.

So many spray tans

Where to go

Decide your method of transportation. Is there a sober sis out there to take you downtown? Probably not. You can walk, take a cab, or spend $1.50 on a TCAT.

You’ll more than likely end up at one of the sports houses to start, just make sure you stay with the squad to keep the girls night in effect. Don’t let any of those pesky boys distract you from the true aim of this night: girl time. Never go to the bathroom alone. Keep taking pictures just in case you get a good one to post on your finsta. Pics or it didn’t happen, am I right gals?

After the house parties you’ll inevitably head to Moonies, hit back vodka sodas and shoving popcorn down your throats when you remember that none of your friends ate dinner – yikes. Make sure you don’t lose each other on the crowded dance floor.

If a sweaty sports jock starts dancing with one of your squad, you know what to do girls. Get into formation and move on over, creating a protective barrier while you escort your fellow princess back to the chiseled hunks, and eligible bachelors.

The end of the night

After the bars close in Ithaca, there are only two things to do. Eat, or post game. Since it’s a girls night, you’ll more than likely all decide to head over to DP Dough or Sammy’s to get your late night fix. If you queens want to go home to make food instead of buying it just remember…Friends don’t let friends use ovens after a night out. It’s just a rule.

Ithaca College