An ode to my best friend

She takes the cake for being the best friend ever

I believe each of us have a soul mate. A lot of people think this soulmate has to be a significant other. Wrong, those people are wrong.

My best gal pal is my soulmate. You may even call her my person (for all you Grey’s fans). The bond between two BFFs is unbreakable. I’m so lucky to have Dani in my life – that’s my best friend – for over fifteen years. We are basically married. Right now she is the ONLY person I could ever consider spending the rest of my life with. Your best friend is put on this earth to know you better than you know yourself.

So here is an ode to the wonderful people in our lives we call our best friends.

We are always the fly-est girls at the club

I would rather eat my feelings with you than be unimpressed by a fuckboi

How many times have you and your bestie gotten in a fight over a boy? Not many at all. Good news: that means you understand the phrase “chicks before dicks.” That right there is one of the most important life lessons. No boy is ever worth the relationship that matters the most. I know when a boy mistakenly breaks up with me, she is waiting outside ready with an ice-cream cone to ease my sadness.

She is always offering the support in a way I can really relate to

Thank you for understanding my unspoken words

Over time, you and your best friend will have acquired some sort of language only you can understand. This is normal… I think. Sometimes Dani and I talk in really high-pitched voices to express our emotions. I don’t have a problem with being weird, because at least she is weird with me. Having a best friend is like having telepathy powers. When an ugly boy is trapping you in the corner with his gross breath, you can make eye contact with your best friend. She will swoop in to save you – every single time. It’s comforting knowing someone out there thinks almost exactly like you.

Not sure why we chose these facial expressions. But aren’t we cute?

Thank you for always having my back

Every girl you have ever hated is off limits for your best friend as well. She is always coming to you with the latest gossip about the worst girl to ever walk the earth. If there is an embarrassing picture or encounter, she is the first to laugh about it with you. I know that if I get into a Twitter fight with this girl, Dani will always be there with a witty comeback to shut this bitch down. She is the bee’s knees.

Smiling for all of the haters

Thank you for saying yes even when you wanted to say no

A true friend doesn’t judge you for the weirdo ideas. They almost always go along with it. I have had MANY crazy ideas. One time I begged Dani to make a Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith music video. Of course we did it, and we rocked it. She is always down for whatever, even if that means driving to Omaha (an hour and half away) to get your favorite smoothie. It surprises me we have yet to be offered a TV show.

We have no idea who this guy is


It was my birthday, and we were completely sober

Thank you for being you

Most of all, my best friend is beautiful on the inside and out. From her cute dimples to her motivation to eat the entire bag of chips just because I said she couldn’t. She has taught me more about life than anyone or anything can or ever will. She keeps me grounded and tells me when I’m being a royal bitch. She keeps me in line while making me pee my pants at her impersonation of Lil Wayne (no kidding it’s scary how hilarious this is). I would be way less funny if I had never met you. You light my life up… (I’m not proposing, I swear).

We already have a lifetime of memories, I can’t wait to make a lifetime more.

She is the best human being.

Iowa State University