Stella’s raised cover for Trump supporters gives them a taste of their own medicine

Maybe now you’ll understand how discrimination feels

Stella, a popular restaurant just beyond the west side of Kinnick stadium made a very pointed statement this weekend aimed towards politics. A simple statement of: if you voted for Trump, you have to pay $10 to get in, but if you voted for Hillary you only need to pay $5.

Many people took to Facebook, saying they would no longer be going there anymore because what the restaurant was doing was “hateful and immature” towards our president elect.

But wait.

I could be wrong, but was it not BOTH hateful and immature when the Donald said “what a nasty woman” in regards to the democratic nominee, Secretary Hillary Clinton?

What about the time he started to mock the physical and verbal ability of the reporter who was born with a disability in front of THOUSANDS? Was that not both hateful and immature?


People even described this new cover as deplorable.

What I think is much more deplorable is the fact that around the country since that dreaded Tuesday night people have felt that it is okay to discriminate against people due to their skin color, gender, sexual orientation and religion, this being prompted by the hateful rhetoric that has been spewed and vomited and loudly proclaimed by the one and only, Donald Trump. Even here at the University of Iowa racial slurs have been written on students doors in the dorms along with a support message for the former reality tv star.

You may then agree and say yes all those things are really bad, but how is political discrimination okay or appropriate?

Sure, it was maybe a little on the inappropriate side, but was it very appropriate for Rosa Parks to say “no” to moving to the back of the bus? In her time, no it wasn’t. But look at all the change (for much much better) that has happened due to that two letter, one syllable word. With this sign on their door they’re saying no to people who think it is okay to have a homophobic, racist, sexist political power in office who is now showing great signs of antisemitism and nepotism with whom he is appointing to his transitional team. If we all just went quiet and accepted the fact that Trump is president we are accepting HATE as okay and that’s simply, not okay.

Ever since the beginning of this election I have seen the never ending spiral of both parties doing something, and then when the other party starts to do the same thing everyone gets offended. I mean, is it not Stella’s right to be able to voice their political opinion? This is nothing like when President Obama was elected people chose to hang burning black mannequins from trees in the south.

All we have here is a restaurant trying to show the ridiculousness that is the Cheeto Drumpf being elected president, and a group of people who were taught by him never to apologize for anything complaining because they are being “targeted”.

Well, welcome to the lives of every minority ever, bitches. Get used to it.

University of Iowa