Everything you know if you’re a complete concert junkie

The first step is admitting you have an addiction – the second is deciding you don’t care

Everyone these days loves music. We all have our favorite genres, singers, bands, etc. For the most part, I can assume that everyone enjoys a good concert now and then as well. It’s a great way to get together with friends and have some fun. At what point though is it too much? Is it a fun activity, or has it become more of an obsession over the years?

If you’re a junkie, you’ll understand.

We will NEVER turn down a concert invite

No matter who invites us along, we’ll go. No matter the circumstances, no matter how many times our mothers tell us no, we will be there.

Hell, even if we hate the singer we’ll most likely be there because we can’t say no, it’s simply not an option.

We’re willing to spend whatever is needed 

How do you afford it? That’s simple, we will always find a way. Half the money we make is saved specially for concerts, and we aren’t afraid to be broke for a little while when necessary.

Sometimes the prices make us cringe, but we’ll survive.

Distance? No problem

Yes, the concert is five hours away but it’s totally worth it.

Nothing is going to stop me from seeing this band. It sucks that we’ll need to pay gas and two nights in a hotel, but whatever’s necessary.

Yes I’ve already seen them

…three times. But so what?

No two concerts will ever be the same and there’s no way we’re going to miss one simply because we’ve seen them before.

No pain, no gain!

You want to get to that front divider? Then toughen up. Everyone wants the front row so you won’t get there without a few elbows in the gut. And once you’re there crowd surfers fall on your head, there’s no personal space, and you get pushed forward until your feet aren’t on the ground.

Does it suck? Yes. Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY.

Personal space isn’t an issue

Down in the pit you’ll be shoved up against so many people it becomes hard to tell whose limbs are whose. The sweat on your body isn’t yours and your hair gets pulled more times than you can count.

By the time you leave you reek of sweat, beer, and weed…Even if you didn’t touch a single one of those things yourself.

We don’t get seats unless absolutely necessary 

Who wants to sit down at a concert? The pit is the place to be.

The music shaking the ground, your eardrums bursting, people fighting, beer being thrown around…what’s not to love?

We have plenty of band gear

Every concert adds another band shirt to the pile. Shirts aren’t the only prize we gain though- we fight for the chance to bring home guitar picks and drum sticks. Literally…fights break out for these treasures.

After so many concerts we start to have a collection of all the things we catch, and it becomes a prize possession.

People think we’re crazy

If you aren’t a fellow junkie, you simply won’t understand. Concerts aren’t just fun, they become a way of life, part of your personality. People come to know you as that chick who is ALWAYS at a concert. It’s something to always look forward to; a place where you’ll always be yourself.

There’s never a dull moment!

University of Iowa