College taught me ‘Adulting’ is a lot harder than it looks

The most important things I’ve learned in college haven’t come from the classroom

Freshman year of college you find yourself in the position where you’re still a kid, but you’re basically an adult. Being 19 is hardly better than being 18, yet turning 20 seems significantly more important.

Everyone seems so caught up in the idea of growing up, but we literally have the rest of our lives to do that very thing.

There are a number of adult lessons you learn in your first year of college.

Your parents actually know what they’re talking about

This is definitely something you learn more and more as you grow older. Our parents really do put up with a lot. I mean kids can be dirty, gross, weird, smelly, and sometimes they’re kind of a pain in the butt. However, our parents always seem to know what’s going on.

They claim us little weird humans as their own and always look out for what’s best for us. They’ve managed to live a good part of their lives without us, but we’ve never spent a day without them. The reality is your parents just may be the smartest people you’ll ever meet, after all they managed to keep us alive.

And even though you may have to show them how to work their new computer, just remember they taught you how to work a spoon.

Life really  is a blessing

It seems like most people our age have either never really been exposed to the idea of loosing a loved one, or they know it all too well. Either way, it is important that we always appreciate life.

We are all on this planet for a rather limited period, so there is no reason you should be wasting any of this precious time.

God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle

Whether or not you’re a religious person, we have all had to face a time where we just didn’t know how we were going to get through it. Life is hard, there’s no two ways about it. But no matter who or what you believe, you have to know that there is nothing you can’t handle.

Sometimes we lose our sh*t or make a dumb mistake. Not everything may work out the way you plan, or the way you hope, but in the end everything does work out.

Not everyone who enters your life is meant to stay

A lot of times we become overly attached to a person, or the idea of a person, and then are blindsided when that person is no longer a part of our life. Whether it’s a significant other, a best friend from school, or even just someone you met last week.

Sometimes people are just meant to come in to our lives to teach us a lesson, to make us happy, and to give us a memory, and then they are meant to leave. You can’t measure a relationship by how long it lasted, but instead you measure it by how it impacted you.

You aren’t required to like everyone you meet, and they aren’t required to like you

Being a people-pleaser is so overrated. I don’t know when everyone developed this notion that we are all supposed to be happy bubbly people and all get along.

We can all achieve World Peace by simply being civil with one another. Reality is there’s billions of people on this planet, and you’re not going to get along with everyone. If someone doesn’t like you, well then that’s their problem. You’ll survive.

Never, ever, should you apologize for something you believe in

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. There’s nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree, it’s just important that you stay true to yourself. In today’s society there will always be someone who has a problem with something you believe. Let people express themselves, keep an open mind, but never feel bad for having your own opinion.

You are your biggest critic

We live in a world where we are obsessed with impressing others, and honestly I’m not entirely sure why. The only person who has to be happy with how you look, talk, walk, act, and eat, is you. Everyone is just as worried about themselves as you’re worried about yourself.

So do you, you’re a beautiful person, make yourself happy and stop stressing about what others think (they really don’t care that much).

We all get to where we need to be, we just might have different paths

Lose the drama and stop being jealous of people who get what you want. There’s nothing wrong with taking a little longer than others to reach your goal, in fact it should be a little bit humbling for you to not get what you want right away. In the end we all figure it out and find what we need to find.

You never know how hard someone else has been trying for their goal, so don’t undermine their successes just because you haven’t reached yours yet.

Finding your S-O is definitely worth the wait

All of us are on a mission to find 1 person, just 1. There are 7 billion people on this planet. That means there are 7 billion minus 1 that aren’t going to work out.

So next time that one person doesn’t call you back after a first date, don’t panic, just know it’s one more person you can cross off your list. You’ll find your person soon enough.

There’s a difference between being nice and being a good human

You should always hold yourself to the highest standard. Anyone can put a smile on their face and do a good deed, even if they don’t mean it. But it’s the people who go above and beyond, who love unconditionally, and who thrive on making the world a better place for everyone. 

You never know how someone else’s life is going, be a good human, if you can change one person’s day you’ve already changed the world a little bit.

Never choose someone who isn’t choosing you

No matter what type of relationship it is, it’s always a two way street. If someone doesn’t see your worth, and doesn’t see how amazing you are, then they don’t deserve you.

Never should you settle for someone who isn’t 100% down for you. 

If they don’t know you personally, don’t take it personally

People are always quick to judge, and usually the people who make the most assumptions are the ones who really don’t know us. It’s always hard when you hear things people have said about you, but just remember, you are flawless and most likely better than them and they know it (hence the reason they’re talking smack).

Moral of the story: don’t let random people get you down. After all, we all know what they say about making A$$-umptions.

Being happy in life should always be your end goal

A lot of times we get caught up in everything that’s going on around us. Take a deep breath, relax, and remember you are your main priority. Nothing in life is more important than being happy with who you are, where you’re at, and who you’re with.

So go out there, have some fun, and stay groovy.

University of Iowa