Iowa is ranked one of the most sleep-deprived schools in America

On Iowa! (Go Sleep!)

Jawbone, a fitness tracking company put together a list of how many hours students sleep at over one hundred different universities around the nation.

Iowa ranked in at the 122th most sleep deprived school in the country, averaging out with an average of 7.14 hours of sleep on the week day, with the average student waking up around 8 and going to bed just after midnight.

Coming in first as the sleepiest school in the country was Columbia, with a nasty 6.68 hours of sleep each night. It is said by sleep experts that you should get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night to be on top of your game.

The Jawbone app helps to track how often you are restless at night to help properly track the accurate number of hours of sleep you get each night.

But if you are feeling way out of the 100’s and closer of the 10’s to how sleep deprived you are, go take a quick nap on the Pentacrest along side all your other sleepy Hawks!

University of Iowa