What does your favorite beer say about you?

In heaven, there is no beer. But we sure have a lot in Iowa

In Iowa City night life, the alcohol flows freely. But beer reigns supreme.

From Busch to IPAs, everyone has a favorite that says alot about their personalities.

Busch Light

This beer is THE beer of the state of Iowa. It tastes OK and gets you drunk which is about all most hardworking Iowans are looking for as they escape from the humdrum week into the weekend.

If this is your favorite beer you’re probably from a small town in Iowa and you’re just here to have a damn good time in IC.

Rolling Rock

You may be lacking taste buds. This is the last resort beer, like you’re out of about everything besides nail polish remover.

And if this is your favorite beer we are convinced you lost the ability to taste in a terrible accident and you have zero regard for your liver whatsoever. 

Keystone Light

Really? Keystone? I mean… it gets the job done sure but of all the light beers you picked Keystone?

Unless you’re at a tailgate or SpoCo for someone’s birthday, Keystone should not be high on anyone’s list.

If it is, you must be one of the cheapest human beings alive. But hey, good for you for frugality.

Blue Moon

Ahh Blue Moon. Blue Moon manages to toe the line between a fraternity house staple and cool hipster beer.

If Blue Moon is your favorite, you probably identify with lots of social groups around campus.

Michelob Ultra 

You might as well be drinking water.

The national beer of soccer moms, I’m relatively certain you need 13 of these to even get a buzz. If this is your favorite beer, I’m convinced you’re actually a 45 year old suburban housewife.


Unofficial beer of hipsters everywhere, if your favorite beer is PBR, you’re obviously the coolest thing to hit Iowa City since last year’s polar vortex.

You probably won’t be closing down Union Thursday-Saturday, but you will definitely be down for hanging out at your friend’s apartment listening to vinyls of the hottest new band no one has heard of yet.

Miller High Life 

This beer isn’t bad. You drink this because you want to feel a little bit classier drinking the “Champagne of Beer”.  While, yes the gold can does create a feeling of affluence, really you’re just enjoying another cheap beer Casey’s and the Kum & Go have to offer.

And let’s be honest, if this is your favorite beer, I know you’re still shutting down the Ped Mall, and quite possibly Pancheros late on a Saturday night. 


It’s 5 o’clock somewhere. Specifically on a beach for you.

You’ve been raised to enjoy a nice brew with your ass in the sand and feet checking the water temperature. If Corona is your favorite beer you’re a man of simple pleasures and we salute that.

Plus its always fun to drink a beverage that makes us feel like we are on vacation south of the border.

Bud Light

Much like a man of Busch, you’re a hard working average man or woman. Who doesn’t enjoy a nice stein of Bud Light after a long week hitting books?

But, unlike Busch, Bud Lovers usually hail from outside of Iowa.

Lots of suburb kids from the Chicago area pick up this as their beer of choice. This beer says “I work hard and I play harder”, a motto we can stand behind. 

Angry Orchard 

It’s not a beer, it’s a hard cider. But it does hold a special place in the taps of every bar downtown and the drinker in every Hawkeye.

If this is your favorite drink you probably aren’t much of a true beer person. If you truly want to be a beer aficionado, you’ll have to learn to love the taste of hops first and then enjoy your cider. 

… and because no beer article is ever complete without a jab at some “hard” drinks.

Mike’s Hard Lemonade

Drop out.

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