Why do Iowa guys suck so bad at Tinder?

There are some things you can’t unsee

Most of us have been on Tinder at least once to see what all the hype is about. Sometimes you’ll run across some decent looking people, and sometimes you’ll see one that makes you wonder what the hell was going through their head when they made their profile.

Are they serious or do they just want attention? Well, if it’s option two, they’re about to get it. Here are Iowa’s top ten Tinder fails, putting themselves out there for whatever the reason may be.

Nothing terrible here, just a guy who really loves his beard.

Hey you love your dog, that’s awesome.

I really hope you washed your face though because dogs have a nasty tendency to lick their own balls…

This picture really isn’t the most horrible one we’ve ever seen.

However, the description under it leaves you to wonder what the hell this guy is actually looking for on Tinder…

So you like bad boys huh? Let me cut off my tongue quick to prove how hardcore I really am.

Want to relive your childhood? Then get excited because Scooby Doo is on our Tinder lookin for his special lady!

His lack of a girlfriend is a mystery he has yet to solve, and we’ll give him his first clue… Change your picture bud.

Pezhead. When he says he’s weird as fuck he isn’t kidding.


Honestly don’t have much to say about this guy. Between the facial expressions and the mythical creature coming to communicate with a warrior standing on a rock it seems like a bit much for a girl to handle.

One guy at a time is plenty to deal with – so three heads? No thanks.

Between his dress and his makeup, he makes for a fairly decent looking woman. Hell his profile picture is more dressed up and elegant than most of us ladies.

With that, even if the girls are looking for a guy dressed as one of their own, we are very competitive – and if your dress looks better than ours don’t expect to get a phone number any time soon.

And the winner is….

The dude’s ass, the speedo, the green screen, the facial expression…looks like we have a full out model shoot here.

That’s totally awesome, but really – if you’re putting your ass out next to a guy in a tight little speedo I don’t know why you’re looking for a woman in the first place.

Seems like you already have everything you need, so I’m just going to swipe ya left and wish you the best!

That’s it ladies, the top fails of Iowa Tinder. Don’t let these oddballs scare you away though, I’m sure there are plenty of good guys out there just waiting to be swiped right.

As for these guys, at least they’re willing to give us all a good laugh. To finish it off, here’s a few extra pictures of our top ten for you all to admire.

University of Iowa