The best signs at the No Ban No Wall protest in Bloomington

Puck Fence

Maybe R.E.M was looking to the future when they wrote “It’s the end of the world as we know it,” so in the hopes of salvaging this country let alone the earth, I attended a rally by the Bloomington courthouse on Sunday. I saw the most passionate and creative people peacefully fighting for what they believe in. I saw friends and families and people who had just met that day coming together under one belief; to fight against the exclusion of others.

Below is just a small example of the creativity and passion I saw.

‘When you hurt, I hurt!’

Somewhere needs to offer it, why not us?

The kid makes a valid point

When did diversity become a negative characteristic?

Peep the wisdom of Yoda

And no one was there to put America back together again

My new anthem

‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free’

This fits a bit too well…

Hasn’t ‘The Hunger Games’ taught us anything?

Let’s all remember that ‘love your neighbor’ is a commandment in the bible

Laughing at the ridiculousness of closing the borders to decent human beings


Welcome! Please come to Bloomington, we have great steak!

Kindness can be translated internationally

Fight the power!

You really brought this on yourself

Guns aren’t synonymous to textbooks, what?!?!

Puck Furdue?

  A game of Sharks and Minnows

Short, not so sweet, and to the point

Bringing out the big questions

‘No human being is illegal’

The one that hit home

And of course always remember to love those who are blinded by hate at the moment. #LoveTrumpsHate
