Spring Break is cool but I’m ready to go back to Bloomington

The Hoosier Nation is less exciting outside B-Town borders

It’s finally here, people.

Here at IU, the month of March means two things: March Madness and Spring Break.

You can feel the excitement about heading down to PCB to get plastered and not remember a thing.  It is surely money well spent on memories that will never quite make it to your memory.

“Question,” you may ask with your best Dwight Schrute impression, “where are the funds coming from?” I’m in college and actually have the bank account of a college student. In the words of one of my friends: “I’m hella broke.” So with that being said, I ventured to the tropics of my Indianapolis home for Spring Break.

There are two very different destinations with two very different itineraries. And whether you’re the people on the beach or the people on the couch, everyone misses college.

For starters, there’s the convenience

I forgot that people drive to get around instead of walking all the time. I’ve become a professional jay-walker during my time at IU, and I almost die every time I come home. I feel like Buddy the Elf trying to walk across the streets of New York.


My family can’t sleep shame me in Bloomington

I also really miss the lack of judgment I get at IU for sleeping in. One time over break, I woke up at 11 AM and showered,  then rewarded myself for waking up before noon by taking a nap. At college, you can sleep anywhere in any position for any reason.  At home, not so much.

Desperate times call for using a bag of Goldfish as a pillow


Meal-pointing out the obvious

Another plus of college: meal points. I know it sounds weird, but hear me out.  Going out to dinner with your best friend from home is expensive shit when you haven’t worked since August and your entire existence for the past semester has been on a plastic card. Where’s that 60% discount when you need it?


And speaking of hanging out…

In addition, the effortlessness of hanging out with friends.  It’s nice whenever you can walk a few doors down and hang out with your best friend for five hours. I was trying to hang out with my best friend before she left for Florida, and it just takes so much more planning. We’re both just too damn lazy for that. At least this gem came out of it though.

If you don’t have seven chins while your best friend looks cute, did you even hang out?


The Hoosier Nation is less exciting outside the B-Town borders

Watching an IUBB game isn’t nearly as exciting either. As a since-conception fan of IU basketball, nothing comes close to watching a game at Assembly Hall. Being on campus in general during a game has a specific atmosphere about it that can’t be replicated.

Screaming at the TV when there’s (yet another) terrible call and holding three fingers in the air Hunger-Games-style when Nick Zeisloft shoots just don’t have the same effect in a living room.

Despite having to climb 781359 flights of stairs to get to the balcony, it still beats just about anything else

And of course, I miss how it’s socially acceptable — and basically encouraged — to be stupid with your friends. We’re in college, so we have an excuse… kind of.

The poses make us all look like dumbasses but hey, at least we look cute.

So, even though everyone else is getting a tan or staying at a ski resort while I’m binge-watching The Office, I know that we’re all excited to get back to Btown.
