Teachers plan to go on strike AGAIN, this time for five days

Picketing began at 8am this morning

The NTFC Local 6546 (Non Tenure Faculty Coalition) has just voted to go on a strike as of 10pm. This means I, as a student with two teachers in this union, will not have classes for the rest of the semester until finals week.

This strike is different than the last strike which lasted only two days. Teachers started picketing today at 8am at the English building.

An email sent out last night by one teacher to her students said:  “As some of you may already have heard via social media or from other instructors, at 8PM tonight non-tenure track faculty voted overwhelmingly to go on strike as a result of the failed negotiations during today’s bargaining session. The strike has been authorized to last for the remainder of the semester, April 28th-May 4th, which are the remainder of days where classes are scheduled to meet.

“Again, I am deeply disappointed that conditions brought on by the university administration have brought us to this point. Please know that my decision to stand in solidarity with my union is not a reflection of a lack of deep care for your education; rather, my decision is rooted in my absolute belief that EVERYONE deserves to have their labor respected and be treated fairly in the workplace. Our labor at this university is our teaching, and if our labor is neither respected nor treated fairly, then we are unable to give you the absolute best teaching you deserve because we are preoccupied with our work conditions.”

A further email from the university was circulated to confirm the plans to strike:

University of Illinois